Today’s Reading:
Psalm 133
"Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in Unity!" (v. 1)

Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God.... (Eph.4:13)
The Word of God admonished us to dwell in unity with our brethren. Have we ever wondered why this is so? Unity brings love, it brings togetherness, it brings intimacy, it brings trust. We are of one God, one faith in Christ. It is not possible to be united with your enemies. God delights in a good and healthy relationship in every area of human society. Oneness and Unity within the family. Oneness and Unity in the Church. Oneness and Unity at our place of work. Oneness and Unity with our neighbours that are of the same faith (Jesus Christ).
We should flee and detest negative comparison, envy, and jealousy as we have it today amidst us. These are destroyers, enemies of unity and the Spirit of God. Why can we not stand United against our common enemy the devil? Now is not the time to separate into Camps but rather to come together and pray against the work of darkness all around us. Souls are perishing while we are apportioning blames. Look around you ... even the faithful, the Elect are fainting. Let us reach out to the perishing as commanded by our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Let us follow peace with one another and you shall see God. We shall not lose our rewards in Jesus name when the Groom comes to take away His Bride.
God bless!
Enemies of Unity in my family, lose your hold now, in Jesus name.
Anything in my life encouraging the operation of Satan, come out and die, in Jesus name.
O God, Arise and use me to win souls in this end time, in Jesus name.
Spirit of disunity among brethren die, in Jesus mighty name.
Our Nation, hear the voice of God, Arise, and shine, in Jesus name.