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Writer's picture: Olufunmilayo AdekusibeOlufunmilayo Adekusibe

Today’s Reading:

1Peter 5:1-6, 12-14


Apostle Peter, who had in the past denied even knowing Jesus (John 18: 15-27) wrote this letter just before the Cruel Emperor Nero began persecuting Christians in Rome and throughout the empire. But here having learned how to stand firm in a cruel world advises that the elders watch over the flocks that God has entrusted to them willingly and not grudgingly not minding what they would get from it. He also advises that they should not lord it over the people assigned to them but show them good example.

As believers and leaders in the church today, we are expected to put into action this virtue especially at a time like this when we have many wolves in sheep’s clothing claiming to be ‘’church business’’ and not ‘’shepherding the flocks’’. As Apostle Peter calls us to attention today, let’s head the way God wants and we will receive a crown of never-ending Glory and Honour when the great shepherd appears.

To the younger ones , i.e. ‘’the led’’, Apostle Peter urges that you accept the authority of the elders (Shepherds) and to humbly relate to one another for God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble’’. Some nowadays do not see those whom God has called to lead them the way God wants because they are arrogant and feel they know better than the leaders. God is calling you to humility today as He will continually grant us His grace.

We must all (both the leaders and the led) be willing to stand firm for our faith with patience, coinsurance, and courage, as God continually grants us His grace.



1. O Lord help me to live my life according to my calling, in Jesus name.

2. Father cause your will alone to come to pass in my life, in Jesus name.

3. Lord, fill my life with your grace at such a time like this, in Jesus name.

4. Father, help your church, to live humbly in this world of ours, in Jesus name

5. Father put an end to persecution in Nigeria. Help our leaders to lead us in your will, in Jesus name.

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