Today’s Reading:
Luke 1:34-35

Often times when our challenges and fears come in form of situations and things we can’t explain or fathom, we have to know that spirituality is against spirituality and having a physical explanation to these things isn’t supposed to be much of a concern. Ephesians 6:12 says for me wrestle not against flesh and blood but against spirituality and powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places, the things we are up against in this world are far more beyond the physical, spirituality constantly working against spirituality and we need a spiritual approach to tackle these things.
Mary asked the angel “how can this be seeing that I know not a man” she was trying to give a physical explanation to what the angel was telling her but the angel had to explain to her how her physical cognitive and veracity has no use in what he(the angel) was telling her about. Like Mary the mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, we have a higher spirituality that is above every other spirituality in this world, as our God is supreme and most powerful, that confusion, challenges, sadness, inadequacy is spiritual and until we tap from our spiritual source and listen to Him speak like Mary did, we will be stuck. May the Lord grant us the consciousness of drawing from His spiritual well of possibilities always. Amen
Always remember that:
We are always up against the spiritual realm which our physical energies can’t take alone Ephesians 6:12.
Spiritual wickedness is there to make us tap from our inner energies and source which is Yahweh (Psalm 23:4, Isaiah 40:3).
There is no problem that’s bigger than our God and we only need to draw from His spiritual well of abundance (2 Cor 9:8)
Nothing interests God more than His Children bringing people to His spiritual light so He can help them (1 Tim 2:4).
You are capable and up to the spirituality that’s up against you in the world because you have a higher authority backing you up (Luke 10:19.)
I overcome the evil by day and the evil by night in Jesus name.
The Lord goes before and after my family and I wherever we go Amen.
The evil spiritual tactics and attack of the world will not get to me, my family and loved ones as long as we live. Amen
No spiritual force and attack formed against the church shall prosper. Amen
We snatch this country from the hands of evil men and women and this country is liberated in Jesus name, Amen