Today’s Reading:
Proverbs 18:21
"Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits."
(Proverbs 18:21)
Does Your Child Know He Needs a Savior?
Awareness of sin and the need for a saviour is necessary for conversion. While a child will not have years of drunkenness or debauchery for which they should be ashamed, he will know he has sinned and needs to be forgiven. In Romans 2, Paul talks about the law being written on the heart of every person. We instinctively know we have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. When your child wants to become a Christian or starts talking about baptism, ask why he is thinking about this now. Draw out of him, in his words at his age level, whether he feels conviction for his sins and knows that he needs a Savior. Unless he is convinced of his sins, he cannot see that he has a problem from which he needs to be saved.
Does Your Child Understand Jesus' Death and Resurrection?
If your child shows awareness of and conviction for sin, begin to talk to them about Jesus. You will not be looking for her to give a discourse on the hypostatic union or penal substitutionary atonement. Do they know Jesus is the son of God? Do they believe that he is accurate and lived the perfect life we could never live? Then you should move into a discussion about Jesus' death and resurrection. Can they articulate the basic facts about Jesus' death and resurrection? Again, you are not looking for a doctoral-level treatise, but in her words, can they tell you about what Jesus did for them? What you are looking for here is illumination. As he talks about Jesus, do you see an awareness that he understands and knows this at a heart level?
Does Your Child Believe they are Saved by Repentance and Faith?
We’ve read about the woman who touched the hem of Jesus' garment so she could be healed in our family devotion. Jesus told her that her faith made her well. I took that opportunity to talk to our children about salvation being by faith alone. Their Dad is a pastor, they never remembered a time when they were not gathering with the church each Sunday nor a time when they did not hear the Gospel in family devotions and discussions during everyday life, so I wanted to make sure they listened to a clear reminder that none of these things make them a Christian. When your child approaches you about becoming a Christian, you must ensure they get this. "For by grace you have been saved through faith and that not of yourselves." The Scripture's testimony is clear, and while your child may not be able to give you an exposition on justification by faith alone and imputed righteousness, you do want an evidence that she knows she must repent and trust in Jesus. Does she understand that her works or baptism don't make her a Christian, but that repentance and trust in Jesus do? Does she have childlike faith in Jesus Christ alone?
Is Your Child Showing Signs of New Life?
Seeing signs of the work of the Spirit in your child's life is not as evident as it would be in an adult. Your six-year-old will not have the same kind of testimony that a man with a notorious past would have, but his salvation is just miraculous. If he has trusted in Jesus, he has been born again, and the Holy Spirit indwells him. He will show evidence of conversion. If believers grow in conviction over their sins, compassion for other people, and display the fruit of the Spirit, this will be present in their child's life. It will be there in childlike form, but it will be there. You will also start to see the lights come on for him spiritually. He will understand more of God's truth and demonstrate a greater awareness of God's work in his life. Do you see signs of the Spirit's work in him as you observe his life?
Is Your Child Free from External Pressures?
The invitation system, a pressure-packed VBS or kids' camp, and friends getting baptized can start putting pressure on your child to make a profession of faith without actually understanding the Gospel. Often children want to know why they can't take Communion and hear the answer, "because you haven't been baptized yet." In their minds, the solution seems simple, "then let me get baptized so I can take Communion." You can never know that your child has pure motives in his desire to profess Christ, but you should examine to the best of your ability any outside forces that may be exerting pressure on him. Ask him what made him start thinking about this. It may have been a friend's baptism, but what about if the event made him ponder it for himself? Communion may have sparked an interest in him, but did he want to take the bread and juice, or did hearing the meaning of Communion draw him to Jesus? These are all factors for you to ask about, think through, and pray over.
Always Bring the Gospel to Your Children
Your child does not get a visible mark on her forehead or a stripe on her back when she comes to Jesus, so you have to talk, pray, and discern. Invite your pastor to speak to your child and ask questions. He may be able to see and hear things you don't. Most of all, keep putting the Gospel in front of your children. Talk about it in everyday life, family devotions, and around the table after Sunday worship. Sing songs, pray over your kids, and apologise to them when you have wronged them. God's word never returns void, our labor in the Lord is not in vain, and in due time we will sow if we reap, so take every opportunity to tell and show your kids that Jesus is better than life.
Dear God, thank you for entrusting my children, who are YOUR children first, in my care, in Jesus’ name.
I pray that you help me in my daily walk as a parent to speak words that inspire life, truth, empowerment, and gospel living, in Jesus' name.
My Father, take me to Your refinery and purifier, circumcise me, refine me till I become a vessel of honour in Your hand, in Jesus’ name.
Father cause the spirit of genuine repentance, to fall upon Your Church, in Jesus’ name.
O Lord give us selfless and God-fearing leaders, in our nation, in Jesus’ name.