Today’s Readings:
Acts 11:19-26
Psalm 87
John 10:22-30
What is your logo? What is that symbol that distinguishes you as you claim to be? The most important identifier and marker that will speak for you is the way you follow Christ. You are a follower of Christ. In Antioch, those who followed Christ were called “Christians” (Followers of Christ). But before then, they were known as “the followers of the Way”, about Jesus’ statement in John 14:6: “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life…” The only way to heaven, to the Eternal Father and eternal life is by following in His footsteps.
In the Gospel of today, some people asked Jesus to quit the suspense and tell them if he is Christ. Jesus replies that his works already bear Him witness. Those who recognize the signs and follow in Christ’s footsteps are His disciples and no one can take them away from the Father (John 10:22-30).
What are the distinguishing features of Christ’s followers?
Faith in Jesus Christ.
Following the words, teachings and works of Jesus.
Living a life of complete submission to Divine Providence – Your life and everything you do is handed over to God. Your prayer daily should be, “I place everything important to me into Your hands, O Lord. I want Your will to be done, not mine”.
Submission to the Authority of the Church—By listening to and applying the teaching authority of the Church through the ministers and in our lives. They are our guides in matters of faith and morals.
Constant Growth in the Faith—There are a lot of catechetical resources on social media and the internet. You can also take advantage of the resource created by Dominican Media on YouTube.
Collaboration—Barnabas sought Paul’s help in his work in Antioch. You should make your faith journey a priority and be intentional about your friendships since a healthy collaboration can bring you closer to God.
Live a life of Witness—Let people know who you are. Don’t claim to be one thing in one circle and another thing in another environment. One of our biggest problems as Christians these days is LACK OF CONSISTENCY. If you are light, remain in the light. If you are darkness, stay in darkness (do it with your full chest).
Your logo is that you are a child of God. Your identity is that you are a follower of Christ; you are Christian. May God bless you today and give you the wisdom and courage to bear effective witness to your faith in Jesus’ name. Amen.
I pray for you today that you may receive wisdom to know the truth and seek it courageously. Your feet shall never stumble, and your heart shall be steadfast in your following of Christ. You shall reap the fruits of your good actions in Jesus' name. Amen.