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Writer's picture: Olufunmilayo AdekusibeOlufunmilayo Adekusibe


Today’s Reading:

Job 14:1-14

"How frail is humanity! How short is life, how full of trouble! 2We blossom like a flower and then wither Like a passing shadow, we quickly disappear.” (Job 14:1-2 NLT)


In the closing remark of his first conversation, Job observed that our life here on earth is short and full of trouble. Job was described as a true, blameless, righteous, and God-fearing man of upright character who loves God and abstained from every evil thing; yet God allowed Satan to afflict him with sickness, loneliness, disappointment, and calamity that he concluded that life was unfair. Even though he did not understand why he was experiencing this calamity, he did not give up on God. In the face of our life’s challenges, we also should hold on to God and trust in Jesus Christ. He understood that the only truth that could put his suffering in view was his hope in the resurrection of the dead; that God’s gift to those who believe in Him in this unfair world, is to guarantee them life with Him forever – Eternal Life (vv. 10-14; 19:26-27). God has offered us all, through his Son Jesus Christ, the hope of being with him in eternity. Have you accepted this offer? Have you given your life to our Saviour Jesus Christ? Have you surrendered your life to His lordship? (v.1-2).

God has set a boundary to our spiritual attainments. We are able to learn humility by the things we are able to master, so that we will not exalt ourselves by the things we are empowered to do. (v.5). Jesus made it clear to Mary, Lazarus’ sister that: “I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even after death” (Jn. 11:24-25). As believers our hope is in Jesus’ promise, that we will be with Him after death (Luke 23:42-43; 2Corin.5:8; Phil.1:21-23). Our souls are further enlightened in Christ, as we experience a foretaste of the Eternal Kingdom of God. Yet all the departed souls still await the general resurrection, in the day when the souls of believers will be reunited with their bodies, in a transformed glorified state (1Corin. 15:50-54), as Christ is (Phil.3:20-21; 1Jn.3:20).

Christ died, but would sprout again in Resurrection (Ps.1:3) and would send out His tender shoots – through believers being multiplied by His Resurrection power which will grow out far and wide to the utmost part of the earth. (Matt. 28:18-20).

  • What are we then to do in our short life span which is full of trouble?

  • We are to believe, surrender our lives to, and hold on tight in our relationship with Jesus

Christ who said: ‘I am the resurrection and the life’, Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying’ (Jn.11:25). If we know Jesus Christ and have a relationship with him, we have the hope of spending eternity with him in the presence of God the Father. Our blessings and the rewards of knowing Him and glorying in Him far outreach our understanding and imagination.

Are you proud to proclaim Jesus Christ out loud and clear as your Lord and Master or are you shy coming out for Jesus. But if you are reading this and you have not surrendered your life to the lordship of Jesus Christ; you cannot partake of the blessings and rewards of knowing Christ.

Olufunmilayo Titilola Adekusibe


  1. Father, thank you for eternal life with You in Christ Jesus.

  2. Father give unto me your Spirit of revelation and wisdom in the knowledge of You, in Jesus name.

  3. Any power refusing me and my family dominion here on earth to serve God through Jesus Christ, receive the judgement of fire of God, in Jesus name.

  4. Help me Lord to daily die to ‘self’ and to rise in Christ Jesus into your glory, honour, and power, in Jesus name.

  5. Father make your Church a citadel of purity, holiness, power, healthy growth and living, in Jesus name.

  6. O God arise, let your power of love, peace and progress overshadow the nations, in the name of Jesus.

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