Today’s Reading:
1 Corinthians 7:1-7
“Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband” (v. 2)
This is an address on the issue of sexual relations within a marriage.
Since there is so much sexual immorality in the world, it is good for people to marry. Married couples should have regular sexual relations. When one abstains or refuses sexual advance, it takes away the other’s natural right and vice versa.
Concerning married couples:
Sex is a right to both parties
Both the husband and wife must fulfil this duty to each other.
Sex should not be abstained from permanently except during the period of fasting and prayer . This exception has to be with the consent and agreement of both husband and wife.- (verse 5)
Celibacy is permitted but not commanded – (verse 6). But if temptation is too strong, then seek marriage. For those who choose marriage, there are sexual duties, rights, and responsibilities to fulfil- (verses 3-5).
Celibacy is encourage but both celibacy and marriage are each a gift from God – (verse.7)
Lord, grant me the gift of open communication with my wife concerning our sex and intimacy, in Jesus name.
Lord give me a desire to share my heart and hear my wife’s heart in this area, in Jesus name.
Lord, allow us to create a safe place for one another where we feel secured enough to open our hearts and tell one another our wants and desires, in Jesus name.