Today’s Reading:
II Chronicles 29:1-11
“… and said, "Listen to me Levites! Consecrate yourselves now and consecrate the temple of the LORD, the God of our fathers. Remove all defilement from the sanctuary.” (v. 5)
We should not be ignorant of this- that our service to God in whatever form requires consecration of ourselves which is cleansing from all form of filthiness and defilement which will hinder our service to God. God is concerned about our holiness; "Be holy, because I am holy". Our service to God is more than the talents, gifts, and skills that we have. It is expected of us to render acceptable and pleasing service to God.
In today's passage, Hezekiah had to tell the Levites to consecrate themselves and the temple of the LORD because he knew that service to God requires consecration which is holiness. The book of 1 Peter 1:15 says; But just as he who called you is holy; be holy in all you do. This holiness must permeate every aspect of our lives and our service to God. As a chorister, you must minister to God in songs in state of holiness, as an instrumentalist, you must render your service to God in state of holiness, as an usher, you must do the same as well as any other services rendered in the House of God. It seems to be that in our contemporary time, we don't really see the move of God in our churches, what is the cause? Are we serving Him in holiness and with a sincere heart? Holiness cannot be underestimated and overlooked in our worship, service, and work for God. It is time for us to offer services to God that makes Him to bless us than pushing Him away from us.
Brethren, as children of God who wants to serve God in whatever unit you are called into in your church; consecrate yourself, remove all defilement from your life before you begin your service and work for God. And you might have been serving and working for God already, examine yourself whether you are consecrated or not. Remember that your service to God requires you to consecrate your life because God is holy and you must serve Him in holiness.
God, sanctify me and make me holy.
Father Lord open my eyes to see what I need to remove from my life.
Lord, remove every defilement from my life, in Jesus name.
Lord, sanctify our church, in Jesus name.
Ever agent of darkness at the helms of affair of this nation, we dethrone you by fire, in Jesus name.