Today’s Reading:
Heb. 13 : 15; Psalm 27 : 4 – 7

Beloved, do you offer sacrifice of praise continually, or you do it when everything is rosy? A praise becomes sacrificial to God if it is given at a time when everything is not easy at all, it is praise by faith.
How do you pray when there is no money in your account, no food on your table and the children’s school fees are not paid? Is God still good?
Let me tell you something, the time to really touch the heart of God is when you are in dire need or when you are surrounded by difficulties. God loves it when you praise Him with millions in your account and all your needs met. But He appreciates it more when you praise Him at a difficult time. David wrote many of His Psalms of praise when he was being chased by assassins, surrounded by death and in the valley of the shadow of death, yet he praised God. That is what God sees as a sacrifice of praise. When some would be blaming God, blaming the Pastor and finding fault with the Church, David chose to praise God.
In Conclusion, Beloved, the time of trials is not the time to complain. It is the time to praise the Lord. God sees all, and the way you respond to your challenges will determine how God will rate you later. Get up and sing His praises now. He is waiting for praises from your mouth.
List seven things the Lord has done for you in the past one year, then say
Father, I praise you Lord for all you have done for me, in Jesus name.
I will not be bowed by the pressures of life, for you are with me and you understand me, I praise you Lord , in Jesus name.
Jesus, let your praise be made manifest in your Church, in Jesus name.
I destroy every spirit of complaint in my life, in Jesus name.