Today’s Readings:
Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24; Ex.14:10-31; 15:20-21; Colossians 3:5-11
“As obedient children, Not Conforming yourselves to the former lusts, As in your ignorance; But as he who called you is holy, you also be holy In all your conduct.” (1Peter 1:14-15)
If every Christian should understand that when Jesus died, he or she died with Him and when Jesus rose, he or she rose also with Him and that Christ is in Heaven above, then it will not be difficult for him or her to seek those things which are in heaven above. Christians are to seek holiness as a practical expression of their sanctification in Christ Jesus and at the same time remember the premise that God disciplines His children so that they might ‘Share His Holiness’.
Holy living is to set our heart on things above (Col 3:1). It involves making a determined effort to keep one’s focus on the things of God, rather than the things that are in real terms of worldly passion (Col. 3:2-3). You are to eliminate the earthly or sinful nature that will damage your relationship with God. These include, but are not limited to:- Immorality, Impurity, Lust, Evil desires, Anger, Malice, Slander, Filthy Language, Lying etc.
If you do not remove the filthy garment of sin that portrays you as an enemy of God, you cannot be show-cased beautifully as God’s child among your peers in school and colleagues at the place of work. Above all put on love which binds all other virtues together in perfect unity. (Col. 3:14). You cannot put to death sinful nature and put on love, if you have not surrendered your life to Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and savior. He is the only solution
for Holy living.
1. Lord Jesus, whatever that will damage my relationship with you please, remove it in Jesus name. Amen
I receive divine revelation on the finished work of the death and resurrection of our Lord & saviour Jesus Christ.
I put to death self and sinful nature in my life in Jesus name.
I command the spirit of holy living and righteous lifestyle to overshadow my life and family in Jesus name.
I remove every filthy garment of sin that portrays Nigeria as an enemy of God in Jesus name.
Lord, make our Church Leaders examples of purity and holiness in Jesus name.