Today’s Reading:
Matthew 22:23-33 (Dan. 12:2-3)
"then many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to disgrace and everlasting shame. Those who understand (who were wise) shall shine like the brightness of the firmament, and some who are righteous, like the stars of heaven forever and ever.”
(Dan. 12:2-3)

After the Pharisees and the supporters of Herod had failed to trap Jesus (vv. 15-18), the Sadducees who believe that the resurrection of the dead is a continuous exercise of earthly activities including marriage, approached Jesus mocking the doctrine with an absurd scenario. Showing they lack enough knowledge of the Scriptures which talked about a complete transfiguration of life at resurrection (vv.23-24).
Jesus confirms that there would be a resurrection, but not the kind the Sadducees were imagining. In different cultures and generations past till today, the matter of eternal life erroneously is sometimes based on images and past experiences of life. Jesus says these wrong ideas are caused by ignorance of the Scriptures and about the power of God. We are not to formulate our own ideas of eternity or heaven with our human minds and experiences. Our main concern while here on earth is to focus on our relationship with God through His Son our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
At Christ’s Second Coming, the Antichrist will be crushed, the tribulation will end, and all the dead will resurrect. God will not leave anyone in the grave throughout eternity (Dan. 12:2). Both the righteous and the wicked shall be raised from the dead and come before the judgment throne of God. Only that the eternal destiny of individual is different. Jesus said many would say on that day that we prophecy and cast out devils in your name, but it is those who do the will of God the Father that would enter the kingdom of Heaven (Matt. 7:22). And the will of God the Father is that a) we should submit to the lordship of His Son Jesus Christ because He has put all things under Him; b) believe in His finished work; c) such a person will enter His; d) have everlasting life and; e) would be raised up at the last day (Jn. 6:40). Resurrection to everlasting life is the destiny of those who have endured to the end; and resurrection to everlasting shame is the destiny of those who in the end, are found outside the fold of Christ.
Know for sure that when the trumpet sounds, whatever we are or have achieved here on earth will all vanish in a twinkle of an eye. And we will realise that all our labour, our struggles, tussling, stampeding striving, warning are all vain. And that the holding back – ‘I will not forgive’, ‘I will revenge’ are all vain. Whatever we have done will be judged – shedding of innocent blood for a living, angry destruction, acquiring of falser powers to oppress, robbing the innocent of their possession and causing them sorrow of heart, whether neck deep in fornication or adultery, destroying other’s home because you want to have a home, backbiting, false witnessing, destroying others to gain promotion or recognition, and so on.
For God will bring every work to judgement, including everything that has been overlooked. Whether it be good or bad. But the true followers of Jesus Christ will die and live in Him (Jn. 11:25). They are the ones that will spend eternity with him in the presence of God. The blessings and the rewards of glory with Christ are beyond human imagination!
What do we do?