Today’s Reading:
Psalm 51:1-12, Ex 30:1-10, Heb.4:14-5:4
It is highly expected of a man to reveal or expose his wrong action before God exposes it. It is highly shameful if God exposes the sins of a man, but it is glorious if a man x-rays his sinful and secret actions. A man who feels remorseful of his sins with the heart of repentance will be received and blessed by God.
There is a pattern by which God wants things to be done in order to bring glory to His Name as well as a blessing to His adherents. Anything done contrary to God’s pattern deserves punishment – God is holy and pure; he must be related with holy and pure people.
Our service unto God is a service of grace which we must sincerely practice bringing glory to Christ. It is a call unto honour as we are purified to showcase God’s glory and to represent Him in the land of the living (Heb.5:4). Christ must not be disappointed. He must be honoured by the behaviour and the attitudes of His adherents.
My Father, thank you for life, thank you for the salvation of my soul, in Jesus name.
O Lord, let your revival start from my life and family, in Jesus name.
I will not serve the Lord in vain, in Jesus name.
O Lord grant special wisdom to raise and train our children, in Jesus name.
Satanic representative of key posts in the country, be dismantled, in Jesus name.