Today’s Reading:
Jer.17:1-8 (8)
"He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought, and never fails to bear fruits." (V.8 NIV)

The people of God continued to sin, even when they had the law, the prophets of God and history filled with how God worked miracles in the past in their midst. Judah has turned to the worship of Baal and Jeremiah warned that the Lord had listed all the sins that justified their judgement. They had so badly backslid that their sins were engraved this time not on their hearts, but on the altar of God, not to be atoned for, but that God may always remember them (v.1; Lev. 16:18). The heart being the organ of reason, intelligence and will their tendency to sin is so deep that only God can deliver them.
Jeremiah contrasted the folly of trusting in humans and man-made gods to the wisdom of trusting in the Lord (vv. 5-10). Trust is the disposition of the heart which results in obedience to God (v 5, 11:4; Deuteronomy 27:15-26). Judah would utterly be helpless in the time of calamity because she had switched her trust completely from God to human abilities. They would be like shrubs in the desert that are stunted for lack of water. And those who trusted in the Lord will have abundant resources and will be well prepared to meet the vicissitudes of life. Where water stands for the commands of God (Ps. 1; Ezek. 47:1-13; Rev.2:1-2).
Today, the same judgement awaits those who stubbornly determine not to completely trust in the Creator God. Depending on God is like putting our roots into the refreshing water of God's goodness, grace, unfailing love and tender mercies. We are assured, encouraged and strengthened with the confidence that God's steadfast love for us, will never fail. Trusting that at the end, God will turn things in our favour, and we shall be justified. He will turn our pain to gain and use the suffering to make us grow into Christ-like maturity, thereby empowering us to produce good and lasting fruits, even in dry, harsh and thirsty land - in the worst situations and conditions of life.
Olufunmilayo Titilola Adekusibe
Father, thank you for caring for me during the worse withering heat of life. I confidently, connect the roots of my life - body, soul, and spirit to the river of your unfailing promises, protection and steadfast love, in Jesus name.
Let the blood of Jesus reverse all unfavourable past records of my life and give me a new lease of life, in Jesus name.
Father remove every inherited limitation from every area of my life, in Jesus Christ.
Father, visit every troubled marriage and afflicted Christian homes with your grace, mercy, love and healing, in Jesus name.
Father uproot everything you have not planted in Your Church and revive your Pentecostal fire and power in Jesus name.
Father, thank you for sustaining Nigeria with your power and fire. Let there be fresh understanding, inspiration, and direction. Let there be peace and harmony of purpose and move the nation forward, in Jesus name. Amen!