Today’s Reading:
Judges 9:6-15

He who fights and runs, lives to fight another day, is a popular adage that is believed by most African culture. There is fight and struggle for survival at every sphere of life. (Spiritual, Political, even in families between relatives and between siblings). A lot of innocent blood has been shed on several unjust courses. A lot of people are victims of rituals, wars and power tussles. The numerous problems in our land/nation today can also be linked and traced to the blood of innocent citizens crying to God for vengeance.
Today's passage identified several characters that we can learn from. Abimelech was a man driven by power and he did all he could to get it by all means. This involved the murder of his own brothers (vv.1-5). We also saw the people of Shechem who supported his evil ambition, funded it and also crowned him as king afterwards (vv. 3, 4, 22). Jotham is our main subject for discussion, he was the last son of Jeru-Baal (Gideon) who miraculously escaped untimely death. He identified that his escape was not just by luck but by divine Providence so that he could declare the mind of God to the people, whether they take it or not. His message is what was seen from (vv. 6-20).
The response of those trees he used figuratively suggests that they were not ready to lose their purpose, worth and value because of title and positions. They knew their purpose of creation and stayed true to it.
Today many people act like Abimelech who does the unimaginable to achieve their ambition. Believers in Christ should not be found guilty of this. Understand your purpose and calling and stay true to it. If it pleases God to elevate you to the place of Power and Authority let him work it out by himself. Stop cutting corners or bribing your way to the top (Godliness with contentment is great gain 1Tim 6:6)
The Scripture has admonished us not to follow the multitude to do evil. The evil done today has consequences tomorrow.
Just like the trees responded, identifying and desiring to fulfil God's purpose for your lives will make you to live a simple and dedicated life of contentment.
Believers who escaped persecutions, who are miraculously delivered from accidents and every other evil occurrence owe God the duty of promoting his activities in their lives. Jotham escaped death, he knew he was to proclaim the truth to his brethren. God expects us to do likewise. Your preservation is to continue with the course of the gospel. You cannot afford to disappoint Him who has preserved you for a purpose.
Our world can be a happy and peaceful place of abode for us again when we desist from evil doing, understand God's purpose for our lives and we stay true to the proclamation of the Gospel.
The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork.
Day unto day utters speech, And night unto night reveals knowledge.
There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard.
Father, in Your mercy forgive me of all I got or become outside of your purpose and will for my life, in the name of Jesus.
Forgive me for joining people to do evil and being silent about evil deeds around me, in Jesus name.
Help me understand Your divine purpose for my life and live to accomplish it, in Jesus mighty name.
Lord by your mighty power, visit Christian homes at the verge of breaking, mend them and transform them for your purpose, in Jesus mighty name.
Father, in Your mercy and by the power in the blood of Jesus, silence the cry for vengeance of innocent blood that have been shed and heal our land, in Jesus name.