Malachi 1:14-2:2,8-10
Psalm 131
1 Thessalonians 2:7-9,13
Matthew 23:1-12
At the ordination of Deacons, they are presented with the Book of the Gospels, the word of life and love on which their lives and ministry will be based. The Bishop hands the newly ordained Gospels and says: ‘Believe what you read. Teach what you believe. Practice what you teach.’ These words are both a comfort and a challenge. They offer the comfort that makes God’s word our rule of life, we shall always find strength to be faithful to God and receive His blessings. It is a challenge because others are counting on our faithfulness as the inspiration for their actions.
Jesus advises us to call no one “Father” and to refuse titles like “Teacher”. This is addressed to every baptised Christian who has received a share in His prophetic ministry and has a responsibility to live out this call in their day-to-day life. The prophetic life entails letting your actions speak for you. Do not be called “Father”; be a father. Do not be called “Teacher”; teach people. Command the respect and admiration of others more by the life you live than by the words you speak. If your actions are inspired by the words and example of Christ who came to serve and not be served, you will earn the name that people call you.
What does Christ expect of you today?
Be faithful to God in your chosen state of life.
Be responsible with your words and actions.
Do not scandalize those who look up to you.
You are only deceiving yourself when your private life does not match your public life.
Parents, teach your children to love themselves.
Children, you are your best self when you obey good instructions.
Young people, use your time well. Take pride in what you know and develop your gifts.
Seek greatness and not popularity. Great people stand for what is right, good and true.
Teachers and Lecturers, make learning a fun venture and not a vehicle for venting your frustrations.
Mothers, your children are watching you.
Fathers, your presence and attentiveness in the home make a lot of difference.
Single people you’re being single is a blessing and not a curse. Build yourself and stay close to God.
Priests and religious are God’s presence and merciful face to those you minister to.
Do not be a slave to anything or anyone, least of all, the things you own.
Heavenly Father, thank you for the gift of life and all that I am. Let my actions match my words and may every fibre of my being give You glory through Christ our Lord. Amen.
May the grace of God the Father and the love of Christ, through the Holy Spirit's inspiration guide your words, thoughts, and actions in a way that edifies and blesses others and earn you divine favour. Amen.