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  • Writer's pictureOlufunmilayo Adekusibe



Today’s Reading:



In a general sense all men and women were created by God according to John 1:3 - “All things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made” and Acts.17:28-29. But this relationship however is not sufficient to offset the penalty for sin, because all persons are sinner's separated from God (Rom.3:23).

Therefore, for a sinful person to become a child of God , a miraculous transformation must take place through divine attendance of the Holy Spirit which is referred to as being “born again” (John 3:3).

So, the day an individual places his faith in Christ as Lord and saviour, he is born again into a new spiritual family relationship with God (Gal.3:26). He then gains God as father (Eph.4:6) and become brother and sister to other Christians as well. It is equally significant to note that the brotherly love which Christians were commanded to have for each other is actually as though they were blood brothers and not only as children of God by spiritual birth. You know that we have been engrafted and adopted, a dramatic transformation of status, slave to son, a free son possessing all rights and privileges of sonship to call God Abba. This incredible relationship carries responsibilities with it, as well as privileges.

Whoever has the hope of having his sonship perfected should start the journey of personal purification of his own life so as to be able to approach the mighty creator of the universe with boldness and say "Abba, Father".

And as you approach the throne of grace with a holy boldness today, expect a special experience of blessing knowing that the father will hear and answer your prayers.

Sing with me:

When I come into your presence, I'm so happy.

When I come into your presence, I'm so glad.

For in your presence there is anointing and your spirit moving around me.

In your presence, anointing breaks the yoke.



1. Sing prayerfully:

Abba Father, let me be yours and yours alone.

May my will forever be, evermore your own.

Never let my heart grow cold, never let me go.

Abba Father let me be evermore your own.

2. Father, in the remaining hours and days of this year and beyond empower and encourage me for a closer walk with you, in Jesus name.

3. Lord Jesus, cause your peace like a river to flow into my heart, my home and in Nigeria in Jesus mighty name.

4. Lord God of heaven and earth, establish in my home and family, state and the nation at large genuine brotherly love from east to west, north to south, in Jesus name.

5. Year 2020 I command you to vomit all my remaining blessings yet to locate me, in Jesus name.

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