Today’s Reading :
Psalm 36:5-10
“How precious is your loving kindness, O God! Therefore, the children of men put their trust under the shadow of your Wings.” (v. 7 NKJV)

Our relationship with God is the foundation that every other thing about us is built upon. The first step in living a lifestyle that overcomes temptation is a relationship with God. We were created by God to have a loving intimate relationship with HIM. Out of that relationship, we find our purpose in life, and the power to live a fulfilled life.
When someone’s focus is not on his relationship with God, the person will turn back when his fleshy desires are not fulfilled.
A good look at the book of Psalm 36:7-10 (NKJV) will reveal two things:
trusting God; and
knowing that God is the key.
All pleasure was created by God and is good as long as it is within HIS design.
Those who know God are made upright in heart and they will trust and submit first and then believe in the promises that God will be their fulfilment. After submission and trust, the promises are fulfilled. God often tests our faith before HE fulfills any promise.
Heavenly Father, help me to trust in You in all situations, in Jesus name.
O God my Father, teach me how not to lean on my own understanding, in Jesus name.
Lord God Almighty, help my unbelief, in Jesus name.