Today’s Reading:
Romans 8:31-39
Every believer in Christ needs to start a new day realising that God is for him/her indeed no matter the incumbent circumstances of life that surrounds you. God is always for us because His Son Jesus Christ died for us and we are justified by God. Consequently, no man born of a woman, no Jupiter can condemn us, no matter what. Christ is sitted at the right hand of God interceding for us because of the perfect love of God the Father.
The uniqueness of the very chapter and verses we are considering is who can be against us if God himself is for us? Is it the world, flesh, devil, family, friends, Media? There is nothing stronger and greater capable enough to separate us from the love of God. God has given us an endless provision that nothing can ever separate us from his love no matter what, not even death.
In conclusion, built your faith in the promise of God and be assured that nothing is ever capable to separate you from the love God. Sin, Boko Haram, devil, death, are powerless to be effective where the love of God is prevailing.
Father in the name of Jesus, keep me continuously within the circumference of your love.
Father in the name of Jesus, I stand upon the promises of your word, nothing absolutely can separate me from your love.