Today’s Reading:
Psalm 10; JER. 7:27-34; LUKE 6:6-11
Despite that God loves people he created (Sinners) he cannot relate with them with their practices of sin. There are a lot of atrocities – wickedness of the highest order. The strong people maltreat the weaker ones – they lord over the less-privilege ones with the mind that there is no one to question them – slavery, bewitchment, killing, kidnapping, abduction and various havocs are the practices of the people which makes the children to experience the other side of God’s goodness. God does not stop his love and his goodness to mankind, but the atrocious acts of people blocks the free flow of God’s blessing to mankind. The result of disobedience and wickedness of people is destruction from God.
The Gospel of Christ is a pipe through which God’s blessing flow to man, but sin blocks the flow – God will not be happy when his blessing and goodness stop flowing, as he plans to remove the blockage – he goes there with punishment – if the person who causes the punishment repents, he will be saved but the mark of punishment will remain as scar on him or her forever. God wishes to do his great work in your life, the sin in your life can only block him. Therefore, shun sinful acts and embrace God alone.
1. Father, deliver me from my sinful nature, and break the bondage of sin in my life, in Jesus name.
2. My Father, deliver me from the shackles of wickedness, in Jesus name.
3. Father, protect the missionaries on the field, and deliver them from the enemies of the Gospel.
4. Our Father, deliver our nation from the grip of wicked forces, in Jesus name.
5. Father Lord, let your peace reign in our lives and in our nation, in Jesus Name.