Today’s Reading:
Psalm 42:1-11
"My soul thirsts for God, for the living God, when shall I come and appear before God?" (v. 2)

The sons of Korah began this psalm with a powerful image – a deer aching with thirst. Perhaps the thirst came from drought or from heated pursuit; either way, the deer longed for and needed water. In the same way, the psalmist’s soul longed for and needed God. Hence he did not seek honour, he did not covet, but the enjoyment of communion with God was an urgent need of his soul; he viewed it not merely as the sweetest of all luxuries, but as an absolute necessity, like water to a stag.
My soul thirsts for God, for the living God: The psalmist wasn’t thirsty for water but for God. Drinking and thirst are common pictures of man’s spiritual needs and God’s supply. Here, the emphasis is on the desperation of the need. One may go many days without food, but thirst shows an even more urgent need. Which is more than hungering; hunger you can palliate, but thirst is awful, insatiable, clamorous, deadly.
For God: Not merely for the temple and the ordinances, but for fellowship with God himself. Sorrow is always a sense of lack. The sorrow of bereavement is the sense of the loss of a loved one. The sorrow of sickness is the lack of health. The ultimate sorrow is the sense of the lack of God and His presence. This was the supreme sorrow of the singer. God is the living God in at least three senses: (1) He alone has life in Himself and of Himself. (2) He alone gives life and (3) He is distinct from the dead, imagined gods of the heathen.
When shall I come and appear before God: For the sons of Korah – connected to the tabernacle and the temple and their rituals – there was an appointed place to appear before God. This was a longing to connect again with God and His people at the Tabernacle or temple.
Appear before God: In the place of his special presence and public worship. (See Exodus 23:15, 25:30). What is called before the Lord,( 1 Chronicles 13:10) is before or with the Ark,( 2 Samuel 6:7.).
It is not that he does not believe that God is everywhere, or that God is not with him. He is praying to God in the psalms, after all. But his being away from home has gotten him down, and his depressed state has caused him to feel that God is absent.
A wicked man can never say in good earnest, ‘When shall I come and appear before God?’ because he shall do so too soon, and before he would, as the devils that said Christ came ‘to torment them before their time.’ Ask a thief and a malefactor whether he would willingly appear before the judge.
Conclusion: The only thing that can make a wicked appear before the judge and will not be condemned is when he or she comes with a repentant heart. Just like the prodigal son who came for forgiveness and was received rather than being condemned was justified. (Luke 15:11-32). Brothers and Sisters in the Lord, what is the utmost desire of your heart today? Will you also desire to hunger and thirst after righteousness even in this world that is full of unrighteousness, wickedness and evil? Will you hunger and thirst after the living God? May the Lord help you to make the right decision today.
My soul hears the word of the Lord, as a deer pants after water you will pant after the living God.
I make up my mind to hunger and thirst after righteousness in Jesus' name.
Father, may I never be satisfied with the miracle of yesterday but always desire more of God’s presence in Jesus’ name.
As a family, help us to constantly fellowship with you Lord in Jesus’ name.
Lord help our Church leaders to understand the importance of your divine presence in all gatherings in Jesus’ name.
God, have mercy on Nigeria, may your presence and peace continue to abide with us in Jesus' name. Amen