Today’s Readings:
Ezra 9:5-9
Tobit 13:2,4,6-8
Luke 9:1-6
We wash our hands before eating. Why do we do this? The idea is to be free from germs so that we do not afflict ourselves with harmful bacteria in the process of finding nourishment. The same applies to the spiritual life. The first prayer that should come out of your mouth when you address God is a prayer for mercy. By so doing, you acknowledge your unworthiness before God, you declare that you are a sinner, deserving only condemnation, and still you stand in need of divine assistance. This position of humility should be your default setting because when you acknowledge your unworthiness you receive mercy as a gift and everything else will follow. But when you reject mercy, you also reject divine favour.
Here are a few points to take away from today’s readings:
When you pray, go down on your knees, it is a strong sign of humility and self-surrender which is most pleasing to God.
The strongest prayer you can ever make is a prayer for mercy. We see this in the format of the Mass where we begin with the “I confess” before we enter into petitions and thanksgiving.
Show God your vulnerability with every gesture and word you pray. Tell God how you feel. This act of sincerity is the essence of any deep and meaningful relationship.
It is impossible to be intimate with God and still lack charity towards your neighbour. You cannot have one without the other.
It is outrageous to demand divine favours without first admitting your sins and unworthiness and going for confession.
Repentance is a daily activity because, we hurt others and are hurt by them. So, we repent of our sins and heal from them, we also extend forgiveness to others and help them find healing.
Everyone you meet is hurting in one way or another. You are called to heal them through the presence of God in you. Heal their mind with the right ideas. Heal their bodies by showing them their true worth and dignity. Heal their emotions of trauma by becoming trustworthy. Heal their souls of sin by praying for them and encouraging them to seek forgiveness from God.
Lord, have mercy on me and do not punish me in Your justice.
Give me the strength to repent of my sins, so that I may never be separated from You and all your blessings in life and in death. Amen.
Give me the grace to make a difference in the lives of others and in the world by giving glory to You in all that I do and say today and always. Amen.