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Writer's picture: Olufunmilayo AdekusibeOlufunmilayo Adekusibe

Today’s reading:

Acts 7:44-53 

“However, the Most High does not dwell in temples made with hands…” (v. 48)


Believers practically read the “Lord’s Prayer” every day as written by David in Ps.23. In v.6, it says I will dwell in the house of the Lord, which is a great desire and confession. In the New Testament days, the house of the Lord is seen physically and, therefore, one can dwell in it. In the Old Testament days up until the time of David and, Solomon his son who reigned after him, there was no physical structure or house of the Lord. What the Israelites had then was a mobile Tabernacle of witness (Ark), which represented the wholesome presence of God among them, both in the wilderness and after they entered the Promised Land. In v.46 of today’s reading, it is recorded that David, who found favour before God, was desirous to find a dwelling for him, the God of Jacob. However, David did not build a house for God, because his hands were full of blood as a warrior (1 Chr. 28:3). So God agreed for his son, Solomon, to build the dwelling as confirmed in v.47.

A dwelling is a place where one abides or resides; a house; or habitation. It is interesting to read in v.48 that, however, the most high does not dwell in temples made with hands (physical structures made with earthly materials). Here, Stephen the first martyr, was witnessing to those disputing with him (as recorded in Acts 6:1-60), including the high priest and council members. He spoke at length about the generations of Israel, starting from Abraham, on to the wilderness journey. The essence of Stephen’s message was that the people’s forefathers were stiff-necked and were uncircumcised in heart and ears. And that they always resisted the Holy Spirit, just as their fathers did. He emphasized to them the disobedience and the idol-worship pattern of their forefathers. He quoted Acts 7:42, reiterating the writings of the old prophets, in which God asked the Israelites if they offered him slaughtered animals and sacrifices during forty years in the wilderness. Rather, they made images and worshipped gods like Moloch and Remphan. Summarily, Stephen made the people know that God was not interested in physical dwellings,  but in a circumcised heart, in which He and the other members of the Trinity, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, can dwell.  God cannot dwell in a filthy or just any heart but has to be a circumcised heart.

A “circumcised heart” is a pure heart, separated unto God, which has accepted his laws and commands and living by them. God said in Ezekiel 44:9 that no foreigner, uncircumcised in heart or in flesh, shall enter his sanctuary. God promised, through Moses when he set before the Israelites the blessings and curses which were to come upon them if they disobeyed His commandments, and after they would have been gathered from exile, to circumcise their hearts and those of their descendants, to love the Lord their God with all their hearts and all their souls, that they might live (Deut.30:1-6). For God to dwell in any heart, it must have been circumcised. The work of circumcision in a believer is carried out by the Holy Spirit, who would have been given and has begun to dwell in a new believer’s heart at the point of salvation. The Trinity (God the Father, God the Son and God the Spirit) has its permanent abode in a true believer. As the believer works out his salvation with fear and trembling, the Holy Spirit begins and continues the work of circumcision and on to sanctification.

How then can one make his/her heart God’s dwelling?

The first step is to be saved – accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, thereby cultivating a relationship with the Trinity. The Holy Spirit takes over the heart, and purifies it, thereby making it fit for their dwelling. The Holy Spirit further fills the heart with the unconditional love for the Trinity and fellow mankind. The heart can then become a “prayer centre” and a table loaded with the word of God, as the believer learns to pray and read without ceasing and, studying and meditating on the word of God. When your heart becomes God’s dwelling, pure thoughts and utterances will come out of it; the sincere love of God will ooze out from it; peace will reign in it and spread out to people around.

                                                                        CHRISTIE KUPOLUYI


To surrender your life to Christ, say this prayer aloud. “Father, I acknowledge my sin against You. I repent and ask for forgiveness, in the name of Jesus. I surrender to the Lordship of Jesus. By the power of Your Holy Spirit, take control of my heart and lead me in Your path of righteousness. Thank you, Lord.”

If you said the prayer, Congratulations! Prayerfully look for a living church and meet the resident reverend, pastor or priest.



  1. Father in heaven, we thank you for creating us in your image and likeness.

  2. Father Lord, we appreciate your giving us hearts that can yield to you to dwell in.

  3. Lord Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, help us to be led by him and to make our hearts permanent dwellings for the Trinity.

  4. Father, please help the church of believers to truly make it the desired dwelling of the Trinity on earth.

  5. Father, teach the leaders of our nation to invite you to in-dwell each of them, and, therefore, the nation at large.  




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