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  • Writer's pictureOlufunmilayo Adekusibe



Today’s Reading:

I Timothy 4 : 1 – 5


Jesus told the disciples that the Holy Spirit would be in us to teach us the truth about the kingdom and reveal the will of God and teach us the ways of Christ (John 16: 14).

Apostle Paul in our passage today paid attention to what the spirit says about the future, and he wrote them down. The same Spirit still speaks up till now but, are you listening to and obeying Him when the Lord cautions us about a decision, we want to make that is not in line with His will for us, our Church or family? When you sense caution in your spirit, a lack of peace or sense uneasiness in your heart about a situation, do we pay attention to know what that means or discern what God wants to say. Many have forsaken such caution and ended up in trouble that could have been averted. Others have also listened to the Spirit’s voice and made good progress in their work and walk with God.

Beloved, it is your duty to listen to what the Holy Spirit is saying because He still speaks, may you receive divine Help to do so in Jesus name.




  1. Lord, I thank you for your love over my life, in Jesus name.

  2. Ask for the grace to always listen to the Lord as He speaks to you and to obey His words.

  3. Ask that the word of God will always prevail over your own personal will.

  4. Pray that the Lord will give all the Church leaders a listening ear to hear Him always.

  5. Pray that the Kingdom of Jesus will be established in this nation in Jesus name.

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