Today’s Reading:
John 6:35-40
“This is the will of the Father who sent me, that of all that He gave me I should lose nothing but should raise it at the last day”. (v. 39)
The ‘will of God’ is mentioned extensively throughout the Scripture, especially in the Old Testament books. It is less mentioned in the New Testament because the core of his will mentioned in the Old Testament had been accomplished. God’s will had been centred mainly on the redemption plan since man fell in the Garden of Eden. This plan was accomplished by and in Christ. No wonder then that Christ spoke at length in the Gospels about his Father’s will, all centred on the salvation of mankind. For instance, Christ, in teaching his Disciples to pray, said in Matt 6:10 that the will of God be done on earth as it is done in heaven. Also, in Matt 7:21-23, He emphasized that only those who do the will of his Father will enter the kingdom of heaven. In John 6:38-40, He also emphasized the will of his father in line with the salvation of mankind, which He said he came down from heaven to accomplish.
In the Old Testament book of Genesis, it is recorded that it had been the will of God to deliver Adam and Eve from the hand of the serpent and to save them by their seed, Jesus Christ (Gen 3:15). Also, it was the will of God to bless and multiply Abraham exceedingly as he obeyed him (Gen 22:17), and ultimately save mankind through his seed. Furthermore, in Jer. 31:31-34, God said his will was to put his law in the minds of the Israelites and that it was his will to be their God. Job in chapter 42:2 confirmed that the will (purpose) of God cannot be thwarted, talking from his experiences. David in Ps 143:10 asked God to teach him and the people to do his will. God himself confirmed that his word shall not return to him void, but shall accomplish what He wills (pleases) (Is. 55:11). Prophet Isaiah said that it was the will of God to bruise Jesus, as part of the redemption plan (Is 53:10). One of the Psalmists confirms that God does his will (what pleases him) in heaven and on earth.
Aside from Jesus’ mention of God’s will in the New Testament, it is said by Paul that it is the will of God that all mankind should be saved (I Tim 2:3). Also, Peter confirmed that it is the will of God that none should perish (2 Peter 3:9). Paul reiterated in Gal 1:4 that Jesus gave himself for mankind’s sin according to the will of God our Father. In Acts 2:23 and 4:27-28, Peter, while talking to the people in Jerusalem after the Pentecost, reiterated that it was the will of the Father that Jesus should be crucified and put to death for the sins of mankind. Summarily, the will of God can be said to be his: desire, purpose, pleasure, decision, choice, and what pleases him. In our Today’s reading in v38, we read that Jesus came down from heaven to do the will of God, who sent him, and not his own will. He was sent for the redemption of mankind, thereby fulfilling the prophecies and the plan of salvation and eternity with God, which was lost in Eden. Vs 39 and 40 re-affirm God’s will that all souls for whom Jesus died, should come to him, believe in him and therefore, have everlasting life, and He would raise them at the last day, that is, at the Rapture! It is pertinent to mention that Jesus Christ has played his role fully, having completed the redemption work on the cross, died, and rose and He is now sited on the right side of the Father, waiting for the trumpet to blow (Rapture), so that He would then raise all that believe in him at that last day.
In the same breath, human beings have their roles to play. Unlike the Pharisees and lawyers in Lk 7:30 who rejected the will of God for themselves, everyone is encouraged to play their roles of seeking Jesus, believing in him and therefore, receiving eternal life and assurance of being raptured/raised on the last day. Jesus has fulfilled and has done the will of God, his Father, through the redemption of the world. The question to you is, have you played your role?
To surrender your life to Christ, say this prayer aloud. “Father, I acknowledge my sin against You. I repent and ask for forgiveness, in the name of Jesus. I surrender to the Lordship of Jesus. By the power of Your Holy Spirit, take control of my heart and lead me in Your path of righteousness. Thank you, Lord.”
If you said the prayer, Congratulations! Prayerfully look for a living church and report to the resident reverend, pastor or priest.
Father in heaven, we thank you for your will to save mankind.
Lord Jesus, we thank you for doing your Father’s will of bringing salvation to mankind on earth.
Precious Lord, please help everyone to play their roles of receiving salvation and living for You and the Father.
Father, please wake the church up to follow up on the redemption plan by bringing souls to your kingdom.
Father, please let your will be done in every fabric of our nation.