Today’s Reading:
Romans 3:21

It is an established fact that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God (Rom. 3:23). Mankind became guilty, because of what is described as the "original sin" which was caused by Adam and Eve, the first man and woman on earth, who rebelled against God by eating the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden (Gen. 3:1-24). Consequently, mankind died spiritually before God and there was a need to restore them back to God.
God gave man laws that he may obey and thereby manifest His righteousness. When the laws failed, God sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, as atonement that, through Him, those who believe will manifest the righteousness of God and inherit the Kingdom of God (John 3:16, Romans 3:22).
This special gift from God - Jesus Christ - is our Advocate before God Almighty. Though this gift was given to us freely, it cost God His only begotten Son. Do not allow the coming and sacrifice of this special gift from God to be in vain in your life. As Paul enjoined the Romans, we should not allow denominational differences, spiritual pride and “holier – than–thou attitude” to be clogged in the wheel of evangelism for the second coming of Christ. No acceptable righteousness can be found anywhere except what is obtainable through Jesus Christ. It is through our faith in Jesus Christ that we are justified and saved from eternal destruction, not by righteousness of human standard. Psalm 130:3 states that “If thou, Lord, should mark iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand!” No one, of course!
As you embark on today’s Journey, tell whosoever cares that no man will be saved by denominations; only faith in Christ will make humankind fit and presentable before God Almighty.
Father, thank You for giving us Your Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ; May His precious blood not be in vain in my life and family, in Jesus name.
Father, break with your iron rod, the tyrannies of sin in Your world, and let your Kingdom come, in Jesus name.
Father, I am dead to my old nature, and risen in Christ Jesus, in Jesus name.
Father Lord, intervene in the affairs of our nation, Nigeria, and fulfil Your plan, in Jesus name.