Today’s Reading:
Isaiah 40:25-31 (Ps. 55:22)
"Cast your burden [cares] on the Lord [release it] and He will sustain and uphold you; He will never allow the righteous to be shaken (slip, fall, fail)" (Ps. 55:22 AMPV)

A story is told of a man who worries over everything. One day his friends heard him whistling jubilantly and was noticeably relaxed. They asked what happened. He replied that he had found someone who would be worrying for him and that he would need to pay him two thousand dollars per week and guess what, he could not afford it. And there lie his worries again.
In real life, his humorous way of handling his stress cannot work because our heavenly Father has everything in life perfectly under his control, in Jesus Christ, so we can turn our worries over to him.
In Psalm 55:22, the psalmist did the right thing by pouring out his grief, his hurt to God because He always remain faithful to those who trust in him (1Pet.5:5-7). Expressing deep dismay over the treachery of, or betrayal by a close person can be very hurtful, the burden too difficult and too heavy to be carried alone. God wants us to cast our cares and burdens on Him. But often when we say we trust in God; we are still clinging on to our worries. When we trust the same strength that sustains us to carry our burdens, we remain firmly established in the storms of life and in difficult times. We will not be shaken, would come out strong and firm, and our faith in Him who sustained and strengthened us increases.
The children of Israel felt that God had forsaken them. They were afraid and discouraged because their concept of God was very shallow. Prophet Isaiah now reminded them of the greatness of God (Isa. 40-25-31).
This passage is reminding us all to trust solely in God through Jesus Christ, that our greatest human strength is never a match to His and is not sufficient to sustain us in the storms of life, difficult times or meet challenges of our changing scenes of life.
The Powerful Creator God gives us power (v.29). There are times when the strongest person gets tired, but God's power and strength never diminishes. God is never too tired, weary or too busy to hear and help us, when we call on Him. His strength is the source of all strength. When we wait, depend on, trust in God, He actually exchanges our weakness for His strength (vv. 30-31). It is not the soaring with wings as eagles or not being tired from running that are the climax but walking with God is actually the mainstay of our Christian living.
So when we are crushed with burden and loads of care, and unable to move forward. When the enemy throws his various arrows - of doubt, failure and discouragement at us, be assured, know that we can ask God for help, because He daily renews our strength, loads us with blessings, he loves and is concerned about our well-being, and He is faithful.
Our serving God in the mountain-top experience of life, when we are able to soar in the tide with Him is not as difficult as the monotonous everyday grid of life when we feel we are stagnant and not moving. We can then exchange our weakness for the strength of God in our daily strive of endeavour.
Hoping in God is trusting Him and expecting his promise to renew our strength. He will encourage and strengthen us to rise above the deceit, tricks, distractions and disturbances of Satan and his cohorts. In trusting God, the Holy Spirit helps us to listen and to hear Him when He is speaking to us and to patiently wait for the fulfillment of the promises in His Word. It is where our worries end that faith starts.
Olufunmilayo Titilola Adekusibe
Father, there are times I panic out of fear, and forget that you have promised that you will never leave me to sink in trouble or leave me alone to face challenges. Help and encourage me to trust You, cast my burdens on You, and release them, knowing that You will sustain and uphold me to the end. Lord, thank because You will never allow the righteous to be shaken, in Jesus name.
Father, anointing my head with your oil and let my cup overflow, in Jesus name.
My Father, lift me out of every evil portion; and settle my portions upon the living waters, in Jesus name
Father let your covenant upon my life gather all my stolen oil back upon my head, in Jesus name.
Father, uproot everything you have not planted in your church, revive your Pentecostal power and fire and reposition your church, in Jesus name.
Father, thank you for sustaining the nation with your mighty presence. Bulldoze and destroy strongholds of wickedness, and let there be peace, harmony of purpose and progress in Jesus name. Amen.