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Writer's picture: Olufunmilayo AdekusibeOlufunmilayo Adekusibe


Today’s Reading:

Psalm 73:21-28

“When my heart was embittered And I was pierced within [as with the fang of an adder], 22) Then I was senseless and ignorant; I was like a beast before You. 23)Nevertheless I am continual with You; You have taken hold of my right hand. 24) You will guide me with Your counsel, And afterwards receive me to honour and glory. 25) Whom have I in heaven [but You]? And besides You, I desire nothing on earth. 26) My flesh and my heart may fail, But God is the rock and strength of my heart and my portion forever. 27) For behold, those who are far from You will perish; You have destroyed all those who are unfaithful and have abandoned You. 28) But as for me, it is good for me to draw near to God; I have made the Lord God my refuge and placed my trust in Him, That I may tell of all Your works.” (Psalm 73:21-28, AMPV)


The author of Psalm 73 Asaph, is a leader in David’s Levitical temple choir (1Chron. 25:1). He recalled that it was when he entered the service in God’s sanctuary that he understood the rationale behind, the justice of God leaving the wicked to thrive, while the righteous endured untold hardship. It is the wicked who is in imminent danger of slipping, not one who is upright with God (v. 2). Because the wicked is standing on slippery ground, about to fall into total ruins. Their destruction will be too sudden, and they will be completely swept away by their errors (vv.18-19). He realised that a day of reckoning of justice is coming on the wicked, he then acknowledged the wisdom of God. He is admonishing us in today’s reading not to envy the wicked and his prosperity because it does not last, it is the rewards of the righteous that lasts. We are to live a holy life and trust God for our now and the future rewards.

The psalmist expressed his human weakness (vv. 2-3), when he saw and was envious of the prosperity of the wicked. Then it seemed they never suffer for their wrongdoing (vv. 4-14); his feet had nearly slipped, he nearly backslid. Life is not always fair he wondered! But when he entered the sanctuary service and worshipped God, he began to put life in perspective. He looked back at his gloomy state of mind and realised how stupid he had been (vv. 21-22). He then realised the devastating end of the wicked (vv. 18-20), and with the insight, he gained in his service, he described his previous state as senseless and out of ignorance. He realised that he was thinking like an irrational animal. In all these, God did not reject or abandon him. He realised that when he was going through a disturbing and confusing state, ‘I am always with you, you hold me by my right hand’ (v. 23). Even so, ‘You guide me with your counsel, and afterwards, you will take me into glory’ (v. 24). The psalmist rhetorically asked: ‘Who have I in heaven [but You]? And besides You, I desire nothing on Earth (v. 25). His view of the workings of God led him to pour out his heart in praises and adoration of God (vv. 25-28). Although the psalmist did not receive any clear conclusive answer to his unanswered question of evil, he received great wisdom in the assurance of the presence, guidance, and providence of God with him always. When things are down and very tough for us, we always say we do not have anyone to help. In this time of devastating depression, oppression, persecution, and world economic recession, especially for our brothers, sisters, children, bereaved aged parents, breadwinners, in Nigeria. For anyone reading this, I do not know what you have gone through or are experiencing. And worst of it, it seems the arrogant oppressors are daily waxing stronger, boastfully claiming to be in control of everything with their might (v. 9). At this, your courage and strength may be failing (vv. 25:28). But there is this assured hope all believers have in Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith, that after all these things, God will suddenly come to our rescue, and that He will raise us to life stronger to serve Him than ever. Because when God arises in his judgement, everything will fall into perspective. We will then realise that the wicked whose prosperity appears to be firmly solid and secured, will all turn out to be fantasies. And the clearly visible or understood contradictions which had plagued and punished us like the psalmist (v. 14), will turn out to be a dream that dissipates with the break of the day. So, let all believers be stronger in the Lord and in the power of His might.

When’ God of suddenly’ comes into the situation, like the psalmist, we will say, ‘My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the rock and strength of my heart and my portion forever (v. 26). We will then see the reward of those that are far from God, that they will perish. And those nearer to God, with a cordial relationship with God, will say, ‘But as for me, it is good to be near God. I have made the Sovereign Lord my refuge, that I may tell of all Your wonderful, marvellous works’ (v. 28). To those experiencing pain, loss of loved ones, of possession, those that have been rendered homeless and destitute, I pray that God Almighty will comfort us, restore, and strengthen our faith in Him, heal us, and grant us all, a new lease of life, in Jesus name.

Have you surrendered your life to Jesus Christ; do so before it is too late.





  1. Father, thank you for the assurance that You will always be my Strength, my Refuge, my Fortress, my source of hope, and that You will always hold me by my right hand, in Jesus name.

  2. Lord, encourage and draw me nearer to Yourself as never before so that I can experience to the fullest, your goodness, strength, and lovingkindness at this trying period of my life, in Jesus name.

  3. Father, at this season, uphold Christian/families that are going through oppression, persecution, and hardship, as never before, and encourage them, in Jesus name.

  4. Merciful God, forgive sin causing disunity, diversion, and powerlessness in the body of Christ, in Jesus name.

  5. Father, wake every Christian up from spiritual slumber, and deliver us from the works of the flesh to the awareness of our call to salvation, in Jesus name.

  6. Let the power of the Cross and the Holy Spirit be released upon the body of Christ to dethrone flesh in our lives, in Jesus name.

  7. Break every power of pride, selfishness, over-ambition, spiritual and physical robbery, and unteachableness, in Jesus name.

  8. Father, remember our land and redeem it from wherever the wicked elders have sold it to, in Jesus name.

  9. By the power in the blood of Jesus, we come against the spirit of the beast, the spirit of the anti-Christ, the spirit from the dry places working against our nations and we completely and permanently frustrate and paralyse their operations, in Jesus name.

  10. Our Father, use the situation in our nations to populate and advance Your Kingdom, to the glory of the name of God, in Jesus name.

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