Today’s Readings:
Acts 20:28-38
Psalm 68:29-30,33-36
John 17:11-19

There is a debate in some circles about the nature of Christianity. Some say that Christianity is not a religion – it is a relationship. What is it about the term "religion" that strikes us as negative? The Catholic encyclopaedia describes religion as, "the voluntary subjection of oneself to God, supernatural Being on whom man is conscious of being dependent, of whose powerful help he feels the need, and in whom he recognizes the source of his perfection and happiness."
Some words stand out in this description:
Voluntary - Done freely and without coercion.
Dependency - Relying on another who is independent and reliable.
Recognition - an awareness of the presence and power or influence of another.
Supernatural Being - The subject of religion is an otherworldly Person who has revealed Himself to us. We call Him God.
The goal of religion is a free relationship which binds us to God through the power of grace. Christianity is the only religion that truly binds us to God. Christ has said that He is the way, truth and life by whom we come to the Heavenly Father (John 6:14). It is a deception of the devil to think that Christianity is anything else but the religion which saves. Be on your guard against "wokeness" of any kind that erodes right thinking and orientation towards the divine. Saint Paul prays for leaders of the Church to be strengthened against those who with falsehood lead many astray. If you have the good fortune to be Catholic, deepen your understanding of your faith by studying asking questions. A lot of fallen Catholics frown at the faith practices in the Church without at least understanding why we do them. Those outside the Church falsely accuse us of idolatry when it is really their view that is distorted.
Today, the Church seek the intercession of the Blessed Mother under the title of "Help of Christians". The Church is attacked (Saint John Bosco says) in its mission, institutions, in its head, in its doctrine and discipline. It is attacked as the pillar of truth and the teacher of the faithful. When a pillar is destroyed, an edifice crumbles. We rely on the promise of Christ that the gates of hell shall never triumph over the Church (Matthew 16:18).
Let us pray in this time of mass deception and crisis on every front (religious, political, social and cultural), that the Holy Spirit (source and summit of truth) will free our minds of ignorance and worry and consecrate us in the truth.
O sing unto the Lord a new song; for He has done marvellous things; His right hand and His holy arm has gotten Him victory.
Lord, you are sat on Your throne in heaven, the heaven of heavens cannot contain you, You have made the earth Your footstool.
Lord Jesus Christ, Truth Incarnate and author of divine grace, lead me on the path of righteousness and truth.
Shield my mind from the onslaught of the evil one and his lies that I may freely worship you, enjoy divine consolation and serve those I meet today in peace and joy.
Lord, stabilise Christian homes for the task ahead of them, in Jesus name.
O Lord unite your Church and grant her courage, boldness and wisdom to proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour of the world, in Jesus name.
Give our leaders wisdom and boldness to say and do the right thing to move the nation forward, in Jesus name. Amen.