Today’s Reading:
Psalm 72; Genesis 28:10-22; Heb. 11:13-22

It’s a new year and it’s very important to begin the year with the consciousness of the kingdom of God. We cannot be living like every other person in the world so carelessly and nonchalantly. Being deliberate that this year is going to be that which the Lord will reign supreme is of utmost importance, a year where only God’s verdict and message will stand, a year where God leads and you follow. In Gen:19, Jacob got to a city called Luz, he spent the night there and because he met God there at night, He changed the name of the place to Bethe. He met the reign of God there and God showed himself strong on that journey that he understood how God could reign so supreme in the life of a man fleeing from his brother. Psalm 17 gave us a breakdown of how God can reign in the life of anybody, whether poor, the afflicted, the king etc. in Justice and in righteousness, he would establish peace through his righteousness to everyone. His dominion extends through the very ends and corners of the earth, from sea to sea, rivers to rivers and lands. In his reign, just like Jacob, His people will experience unexplainable peace, He will redeem their lives from oppression, fraud and violence, there shall be abundance of grains, they will see God face to face as He will wrought His wonders so mightily in the earth. And according to Genesis 28:15,’ behold, He will be with us and will keep (watch over us with care, take notice of) us wherever we may go, and He will bring us back to His land; for He will not leave us until He have done all of which He has told us.)
In verse 17 of Hebrew 11, Abraham when He was tested by God, offered Isaac through faith for a sacrifice unto the Lord. As children of Abraham by Faith, we are under the Lord’s reign in the new year and everything that’s not consistent with the reign of God and His promises during His reign will not be seen in our lives. It’s going to be a glorious year where the Lord will reign supreme and bring all His plans to pass in our lives. Amen.
Know that:
l In this year where God is going to reign so mightily in our lives, we need faith to draw from His well of abundance (Heb 11:6)
l We must recognize the voice of God when he speaks and directs us just as Jacob understood that it was God speaking to him (Gen 28:16).
l The Lord can’t effectively reign in the heart of a lukewarm believer (Rev 3:16).
Prayer is a key to drawing abundance from the Lord’s reign (Philippians 4:6)
l The Lord is very deliberate about coming through for the believers in His reign (Gen 28:15).
l It’s God’s desire to see us do well and He is in the very business of taking care of us.
Father in your reign, I will not be found being lukewarm and missing out on your promises and blessings. Amen
Jesus even as you reign divine, I am having full experience of your reign and of your blessings.
In the name of Jesus, I build capacity to reign with Christ in the new year. Amen
The church of God is reigning and growing even in this year of visitation
This nation comes to recognize the voice of the Lord and adhere to it in Jesus’ name. Amen.