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Writer's picture: Olufunmilayo AdekusibeOlufunmilayo Adekusibe


Today’s Reading:

Song of Solomon 3: 1-4

‘’I will get up now and go about the city, through its streets, and in the broad ways, I will seek him whom my soul loveth: I sought him, but I found him not (V2)……. It was but a little that I passed from them, but I found him whom my soul loveth”. (v. 4, KJV)


The writer of the book – Song of Solomon is said to be King Solomon of Judah. He was recorded to have had 300 wives and 900 concubines. No doubt, he must have been one of the greatest human beings who sought out those whom his heart loved. Today’s reading in Vs 1-4 recounts the effort of one who sought the one the soul loved until he was found and would not let him go off from him.

As Christians, who should be the one our hearts love and seek out for? In answering this question, it is important that we look beyond this earth, and preferably to heaven where the Trinity dwells, The reason is partly that any earthly choice is subject to termination by death or even disaffection that may arise any time. Solomon and all his lovers ended their affairs here on earth. As Christians, our choice should be an eternal personality.

Jesus Christ qualifies to be the one our souls should love, based on the following:

• He loves us with an everlasting love ( Jer. 31:3).

• He had loved us before the foundation of the earth, in the eternity past, He put His glory aside and came down to the earth to rescue us from Satan and hell.

• He, in the past had loved us, evident from His sacrifice on the cross and victory He won through His resurrection, and fully given to us.

• He already loves us in the future, since he has gone back to heaven to prepare mansions for us and has assured us that we shall live and reign with him in that future eternity. (John 14: 1-2; Rev 20: 4-6).

• He actually loved and died for us when we were yet sinners (Rom. 5:8).

• We love Him because He first loved us (1John 4:19).

Now that we know who our souls should love, how should we seek him, like the woman in Today’s Reading? In verse one, it is said that at night, she sought the one whom her soul loved, right on her bed. Then in verses 2-3, she rose and took to the city and streets, seeking him, until she found him. The Scriptures tell us about several ways by which we can seek our Lord, Jesus Christ. These include early in the morning (Ps 5:3); when He is near (Is 55:6); earnestly (Ps 63:1); when still young (Ecc12::1); first before other things (Matt 6:33); with all your heart (Jer.29: 13), Deut. 4:29; Matt 22:37); and so on.

There are very many benefits that can be derived from seeking the one our soul loves - Jesus Christ.

• Assurance that you will find him (1 Chron 28:9, Jer. 29:13)

• He will reveal himself (Jer. 29:13)

• He will strengthen you (2Chr. 16:7)

• He will add every other thing (Matt 6:33)

• One will not be forsaken (Ps 9:10)

• He is good to the one seeking him ( Lam. 3:25)

• You will live (Amos 5:4)

We should be encouraged to seek Jesus Christ, who our souls should love.




  1. Our Lord and Savior, thank you for being the one our souls love, in Jesus name.

  2. O Lord, I thank you for all the benefits you give to those who seek you, in Jesus name.

  3. O Lord, help us to seek and love You the more, in Jesus name.

  4. O Lord, help us to attract other people to love You and seek You, in Jesus name.

  5. Father, teach us to love and seek the Trinity all the days of our lives, in Jesus name.

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