"And God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM." And He said, "Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, 'I AM has sent me to you." (v. 14 NKJV)
This passage is about Moses' commissioning to rescue the Israelites from the cruel slavery to pharaoh in Egypt. Like all the men of God called before him, Moses protested but God promised to be with him. God gave him a sign to watch out for, that when Moses brings the people out of Egypt, they would worship Him at the foot of the same mountain - mount Sinai also called Horeb (3:1-4:28).
God also made Moses to face a complete re-orientation of his life (v.1-10). Compare his life as an Egyptian prince, having everything at his beck and call; and his life as an unknown foreign shepherd in Midian. A humbling experience which prepared him for his divine assignment.
The Egyptians had many gods by different names, this is why Moses wanted to know God's name so that the Hebrews will know who exactly sent him to them (v.13-15). I AM WHO I AM (v. 14) describes God's eternal power and unchangeable character. It also speaks of a self-sufficient, self-existent, all-encompassing God, without limitation, the only One that existed without being dependent on anything or anyone else.
Our world today is unstable - values, morals and laws change like changing clothing, but when we believe and trust in God through Jesus Christ, we find stability and security in the unchangeable God. The same God who appeared to and transformed Moses' life to suit all situations, lives in us and rules in our hearts by the power of His Holy Spirit, when we believe in and accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour. Because of who God is, his stable nature, his faithfulness towards us, his dependability, and his love and concern for us, we can confidently follow and enjoy the overshadowing presence, care and protection of his Son, Jesus Christ, instead of stressing ourselves and wasting time to figure out things by ourselves or trusting in lesser gods.
Sometimes in our day-to-day living, we experience strange, shocking, unexplainable things that only God can do. In the midst of our uncommon ordinary routines, He does strange things, miracles like the burning bush to draw our attention to Him. At times, we feel a strange tap on the shoulder, especially when we are asleep, signifying to us that God wants us to keep awake to pray. When strange things are happening around us, we are to ask God what is happening or what he wants us to do. He may desire to have our attention.
Wherever God sends or leads, he has promised to be with us and if we are calm, he gives a sign (v.12). Also, when Jesus Christ gave the Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20), He promised to be always present with those who believe in him and do the will of the Father, through the Holy Spirit, to the end of age.
No matter how dark the situation of our lives may be, God I AM will answer our call of distress as appropriate, when we call upon him. He may not end the distress immediate, but he will soothe the pains and encourage us. This is because he has several ways in dealing with his children. God is always present and at work in our world, we need to be calm to feel and see Him at work.
Have you given your life to Jesus Christ? Do so now as tomorrow may be too late.
1. Father, thank you for your unchanging love, care, concern for me, in Jesus
2. My Father let my life find expression in your Son, Jesus Christ, in Jesus
3. Every idol of my father's/mother's house, demanding for my worship, be
bound, be paralysed, and be consumed by fire, in Jesus name.
4. Holy Ghost fire purge my foundation of inherited and acquired evil
contamination, in Jesus name.
5. Father fill me with your wisdom, knowledge, understanding and discerning
spirit, in Jesus name.
6. Father flame your fire of revival in your church, and increase the light of
Jesus, in Jesus name.
7. Father let the blood of Jesus cleanse and heal the nations of the world, in