Today’s Reading:
Romans 2:17-29.
In the above scripture, Apostle Paul addresses the hypocrisy among the Jews, which is also relevant for us today in the church age.
What is hypocrisy?
It is the practice of claiming to have a higher standard or more noble beliefs than is the case. A hypocrite, therefore, is a person who claims or pretends to have certain beliefs about what is right, but who behaves in a way that disagrees with those beliefs. From verse 17, Paul criticised the self-righteous attitude of the Jews’ hypocrisy who claim to keep the law when in actual fact, they break the same law.
He posed some questions to them -
You that claim to teach others, do you teach yourself?
You that teach others not to steal, do you steal?
You that teach do not commit fornication or adultery, do you practice the same, and so on.
The Bible says that we are the world's light, a city set on a hill that cannot be hidden. As Christians, people are watching us. We are the Bible that unbelievers read. Today, many people have refused to give their lives to our Lord Jesus Christ because of the behaviour and attitude of their "born-again Christian" neighbours. Being a Christian comes with certain responsibilities. Many Christians have backslidden because of the disappointing behaviour of their church leaders.
We must endeavour to live up to our calling so that the name of God is not blasphemed among unbelievers.
Father I repent of ways I have caused people to question you in my life in the name of Jesus.
God reveal yourself to me in a new way in the name of Jesus.
Powers challenging the authority of God in my life, die in the name of Jesus.
Evil fingers accusing me before God wither in the name of Jesus.
God arise and restore the glory of your church in this nation in the name of Jesus.