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Writer's picture: Olufunmilayo AdekusibeOlufunmilayo Adekusibe


Today’s Reading:

Daniel 2:24-49

“The King said, “Your God is the greatest of all gods, the Lord over kings, and the one who reveals mysteries. I know this because you have been able to explain this mystery.” (Daniel 2:47)


A notable statement Jesus made in the Course of His Ministry is, “A Prophet has no honour in his own home.” This statement proved true in the treatment He got in His hometown. It was not uncommon to hear the people of Nazareth say things like, “Isn’t he the son of Joseph?” The perception, these people, had of Jesus made it quite impossible for them to receive from Him. They found it difficult to regard Him as the Deity that he was and still is. Instead, they saw him only as the Carpenter’s son who grew up in Nazareth; whom some of them, possibly watched play with sand.

While we, today, may not have watched Jesus grow. We couldn’t even have. However, it is possible for us to get so familiar with our loving Saviour that we no longer see Him as the All-mighty, All-Powerful God that He still is. It is possible that we have made Him too small in our eyes. One weakness common to all of mankind is forgetfulness. We tend to forget very important things. God may have come through for us a thousand times but like the Children of Israel, at the next mountain, we cry and whine about how God has forgotten us. Whereas he hasn’t and never will.

The remedy to this is to call to remembrance and see God for who He truly is and always will be. He is Love! He is Good! He is the Greatest! He is Lord of all! How you see your God matters a lot! What you believe about him is equally important. How you see Him and what you believe of Him determines how you see Him work in your life. So, I ask you, “How do you see Him?”



  1. Father be magnified in my eyes today so you can be magnified in my Life, in Jesus name.

  2. Open my eyes Lord, let me see you for who you truly are, in Jesus name.

  3. Help me always remember your great faithfulness to me in time past that I may face the coming challenges with courage and great faith, in Jesus name.

  4. Thank you, Abba, for you answer me always. Thank you for you will never leave me nor forsake me, in Jesus name.

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