Today’s Reading:
Lev. 25:1, 8-17, Matt. 14:1-12

Some good events are scheduled to mark the day of joy. There is a song that goes thus “The day of joy is bright and sign, oh happy day the day of joy…” This song explains the plan of God for his children on the day of Jubilee. Jubilee is a day of freedom through which people enjoy the plan of God. As they celebrate this day, joy flows and lives covered with darkness were recovered to receive the brightness and beautiful colour of life. Hope springs up from them as problems and poverty are alleviated from them.
This is a day of restoration – people regain the fortune that has departed from them, but the reverse is the case for some people. Some people organize banquet or love feast to ensnare others (2 Peter 2:13) – they display their affluence only to prove big and to override others (Matt.20:25). The day that supposes to be the day of joy turns to the day of sadness. The day Jesus Christ would have been released and freed from the coven of death was the day he was sentenced to death (Matt. 27:22-25). People celebrate only what they enjoy at present, any time something challenges their faith they turn their back to what they had early enjoyed. It is expected of Christians to stand for Christ till the very end.
My Father, redeem the days of evil to be days of joy for me, in Jesus’ name.
Holy Ghost, be a wall of fire around me and my household, in Jesus’ name. . (Zech. 2:5)
Father Lord, uproot anything you have not planted in the body of Christ, and revive your work, in Jesus’ name.
Almighty God, let the joy of your salvation fill the earth, even the lives of the wicked, in Jesus’ name.
God, deliver this nation from the wicked one to depopulate the kingdom of darkness.