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  • Writer's pictureOlufunmilayo Adekusibe



Today’s Reading:

Col.3:12-17, Luke 6:27-38


There are some things that cannot be found somewhere else except in the body of Christ. some people have been identified with some characters whether bad or good – there are offices or positions that are needed to be occupied by good people; no matter how many they are, good people will be chosen to occupy the spaces. A politician who loves money is like necrophilia who works morgue/mortuary. It is a misplacement if a drunkard works in a beer room as he needed to be helped. If uncalled mount the pulpit preaching; a farmer in surgery/theatre room, a teacher digging a well for water, a soldier leading a nation. What kind of misplacement!

The resemblance of Christ must be seen in the lives of those who identify with him. One does not need to say it before people see or discover it in one’s life. The life of a Christian is a mirror of the life of Christ. Anyone who cannot demonstrate the charisma of Christ is not a Christian. Christian must portray and showcase the service and work of Christ. Anything that cannot be found in Christ must not be seen in the life of a disciple of Christ. No one gives what he does not have but people pretend as if they are good – hypocrisy is dangerous to society, and it is a sin that deserves punishment. Prove the resemblance of Christ in your day to day activities.




  1. God, make it convenient for me to do good in Jesus’ name.

  2. God, help me to represent you well on this planet earth.

  3. God, let salvation flow in the society of our nation to make attaining heaven possible.

  4. God, render kingdom of darkness powerless in my life in Jesus’ name.

  5. God, let the church be church in Jesus’ name.

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