Today’s Reading:
Nahum 1:1, 14-2:2
” …your name will no longer be perpetuated. Out of the house of your gods I will cut off the graven image and the molten image. I will make your grave, for you are vile.” (v. 14 )

Nahum, the Elkoshite was the writer of this book. This book is unique from the other books of the prophets because there is no prophecy against the people of God rather the message was exclusively directed toward Nineveh. Nineveh was the capital of Assyrian Empire. This empire was an empire of fierce warriors. The army of this empire was considered one of the most ferocious armies of the ancient world. The Ninevites thought their capital could not be conquered. The metropolitan area of Nineveh was at least 75 kilometres in circumference.
The administrative area of the city was about ten kilometres in circumference while the administrative area was surrounded by a great wall with about 1500 towers. Even God confirmed that Nineveh was a great city when He sent Prophet Jonah to warn the city (Jonah 1:2). At times power, wealth and position intoxicate which lead to pride. The city of Nineveh considered all their administrative acuteness, great and unbeatable security among other things. Victories they have won through their fierce armies, but God’s verdict was that he would make their grave because they were vile. Before God could declare judgment on any individual or nation, there would have been several warnings, failure to yield will definitely lead to punishment.
Are you also like the Ninevites? What you depend on may be your beauty, fame, money or power. You are so confidence of all you possess and look down on your creator. There is no power that lasts forever. There is no structure, individual or nations that remain strong forever except those who depend on God absolutely. How long will you ignore God’s warning to you? You have refused to give your life to Christ. If your dependence or confidence is in your achievement, it will be of no use one day. If your confidence are securities, ask General Sanni Abacha (one-time President of Nigeria) where is he today? He has gone. You can’t continue your life as if you own yourself. It is better you yield to God’s warning before God declare his verdict over your life. Come to him before it is too late (Isaiah 55:6-7).
Oh Lord, have mercy upon me for all the warnings, I have ignored.
I declare my allegiance to God and God alone
Whatever that’s taking the place of God in my life, give way in Jesus name.
Whatever I have lost due to pride, I repent and recover all today in Jesus name.
May the lord humble every proud leaders and nation, who refuse to yield God’s warning in Jesus name.