Today’s Reading:
Neh. 4:1-10 (Isa. 40:31)
"But those who wait (hope) in the Lord, shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint." (Isa. 40:31 NKJV)

After describing the majesty of God, Isaiah stresses the goodness of God (Isa. 40:27-31). Such action encourages God more to deliver and restore us when we are distressed; when we call on him in faith and if we patiently wait for him to help us. While waiting for him to act, we are to trust and draw strength from him. When we look up expectantly unto God, our weakness gives way to God’s strength.
During the time Jerusalem was destroyed, the fire had damaged the walls, probably of lime-stone, and made them crack and crumble. Nehemiah and his team had gone to rebuild the walls. The enemies around had tried to discourage them by taunting them with derisive questions (v.2). Though their mockery had elements of truth, because the Jews were few, were not rich nor were they powerful. However, the enemies failed to realise the strength of Yahweh, God of Israel. But instead, Nehemiah and his workers put their trust and hope in God, who hears and judges. He was more driven by the spiritual than patriotic reasons when he asked God to judge his enemies mercilessly. The enemies of the children of God are automatically God's enemies too. Enemies surrounding Jerusalem were - Ashdod a city of Philistine on the west; Samaria to the north, the Ammonites to the east and the Arabs to the south.
When these enemies realised that ridicule, slander and discouragement will not deter the Jews from continuing the work, they resorted to direct attacks. They planned to physically attack them. But Nehemiah continued in prayer and wisely set watch day and night. He posted armed people to strategic areas of the walls, continued the work and at the same time encouraged the people to remember the Lord. He balanced faith with work; prayer with defence and trust with action.
When we are able to endure, put our trust and hope in God; we are strengthened and encouraged.
When we pause to think about the state of the nation today, one may be discouraged to think that her fate is sealed. But believers should continuously bring hope and renewed energy towards a better nation. We need the likes of Nehemiah to rise up and empower selfless people who will seek the welfare of the people and the good of the nation in general.
1. Father, thank you for making me know that discouragement saps joy and energy. Help me to recognize, empower me to shake off and reject all agents of discouragement in my life and be able to trust you for strength, encouragement and refuge, in Jesus name.
2. I confess that the name of Jesus is my authority over all powers of darkness, including Satan, in Jesus name. Holy Ghost fire and power swallow up my life, in Jesus name.
3. I speak the Word of God right now. I command it to run swiftly and become operational, to manifest and fulfil the purpose for which I send it, in Jesus name
4. Father uproot everything you have not planted in your church and revive your Pentecostal fire and power in Jesus name.
5. Father, thank you for sustaining Nigeria with your power and fire. Give our leaders fresh hopes, vision, revelation, inspiration, and direction to move the nation to the next level. Let there be love, peace and harmony of purpose, in Jesus name. Amen.