Today’s Reading:
Psalm 8
“Oh Lord our LORD, how excellent is your name in all the earth.” (v.9)

Have you ever considered God’s magnificent creation on the heart of man? The Psalmist contrasts the work of God’s hand with the insignificance of man. In comparison to the greatness of creation, man seems so insignificant. However, though the creation is so great, God has honoured man above all his creations even angels.
There are about one billion galaxies in the universe that are known to man. In each galaxy, there are about 100 billion stars. The sun (around which the earth revolves) is only one among the 100 billion stars in the Milky Way Galaxy. Yet even a match box size portion taken from the middle of the sun and kept 100 miles away from any of our major cities, would contain sufficient energy to completely burn up that city. There is so much energy in the universe and our planet earth is very small among the might stars. Man, who lives on this tiny planet earth, is himself so very small compared to earth.
The one who observes the wonders of the creation and yet would deny the existence of God is a fool (Psalm 14:1). The intricacies of life, the order of the universe and the design of both the physical and biological world cry out that there is a designer, a creator behind everything that exists. The philosophy of evolution is no option for the origin of life. It is only an escape for those who do not seek to have the authority of God in their lives.
1. Lord, I thank you for the opportunity to be created in your image, in Jesus name.
I bow before you in paying homage for all your handy-works, in Jesus name.
As you have put me over all your creations may I not stoop so low to worship any other God apart from you, in Jesus name
Every image being worshipped by our leaders instead of God we dethrone them, in Jesus name.
Arrest every live who is yet to know you especially the philosophers and the scholars, in Jesus name.