Today’s Reading:
Exodus 34:1-19
“Then he said, if now I have found grace in Your sight, O Lord.. and take us as Your inheritance”.
(v. 9)

God told Moses, Israel’s leader then, on Mount Sinai as He dictated the Ten Commandments to him, that his name is “Jealous” and that He is a jealous God. This sounds somewhat negative, because jealousy is naturally considered bad, as it is said to be a feeling and show of envy of someone. However, because God is holy, sinless (without sin), impartial and good, his jealousy is good, and it is “for” (and not “of”) his creation. His jealousy, which is centered on his heart, is driven by holy and righteous motives, unlike a man’s jealousy. It is a reflection of his commitment and devotion to whoever He loves. It is a genuine affection found in the core of His being, in the center of His personality – “AGAPE LOVE”.
God is particularly jealous for his own glory, honour, worship and above all, for believers, who constitute his Church, the “bride” of his Son – Jesus Christ, who paid the price for it with his blood. These believers are his “inheritance”. An “inheritance” is an offspring, whose genetic traits have been passed from the parents. The offspring and the parent will, therefore, have similar or same characteristic traits. Jesus explained to Nicodemus that one becomes born again by water and the Spirit (John 3:5), and becomes a spirit (v6). Apostle John confirms that as many as receive Jesus( born again), to them He gave the right to become children of God (v12). It is also noted that such a person has received the Spirit of adoption, and now being a child of God becomes an heir and a joint heir with Jesus Christ (Rom. 8:14-17).
The believer (born again) now shares the gene of God and his Son Jesus, and also becomes God’s inheritance. In our Text of today, while with God on Mount Sinai receiving the Commandments on the tablets, Moses is said to have responded to God by asking him to take his people – the Israelites, as his “inheritance”. Gladly, God responded in the affirmative, and then made a covenant with them. He also gave a command and a warning to them (Ex. 34:11-17). These were centered on their not worshipping other gods aside from him. God then confirmed to them that his name is “Jealous” and He is a jealous God. Many verses in the Scripture point at God’s jealousy, especially in regard to idolatry(idol worship apart from God). These include: Num 25:11; Josh 24:19; Ezekiel 39:25; Ezekiel 8:3; 1 Cor. 10:21-22; Deut. 32:16-21. The demonstration of God’s jealousy can easily be seen when He is provoked, stirred and then moved to take action against whatever or whoever stands in the way of His relationship or actions for whosoever He loves, especially his inheritance. His jealousy and passion for them is a supreme act of love. He showed it strongly for Israel.
In response to this, believers as God’s inheritance should give him utter and absolute loyalty (Ex. 20:2-3) – no other god besides or with Him, living a life of holiness, exclusive devotion and true worship, adherence to his commandments, instructions, rebuke and corrections. He is jealous for us as his inheritance!
Father, we are eternally grateful for making us Your inheritance, in Jesus name.
Lord Jesus, thank You for Your salvation that made us inheritances of God.
Precious Lord help us to be steadfast in faith and as inheritances of God to give Him our absolute loyalty, in Jesus name.
Lord, help Your Church to occupy her space as God’s inheritance, in Jesus name.
Father, in Your mercy, adopt our nation as your inheritance, in Jesus name.