Today’s Reading:
Matthew 13:36-43

The intention could be defined as the internal content of a concept, exertion of the mind, or determined purpose. Our God is a God of purpose whose intentions cannot be hindered, blocked, restricted, or resisted. In the parable for our meditation, intentionally Jesus Christ spoke to the multitude in riddles and proverbs Mark 4:11 while smart and wise disciples called on him to explain better. And Jesus said the son of God is the Sower ( God conceived it all and brought it to reality Genesis 1:26,31 and John 1:3 for the purpose of relationship Exodus 33:11, mentorship Exodus 34:28 and to put the devil and cohorts to shame Luke 10:17.
God sowed good deeds through all his pronouncements in the creation work( Genesis 1:1-31) with the earth/universe as the field but the tares are the children the devil brought to pursue his own agenda to truncate or frustrate the good purpose and plan God has for both man and earth( Matthew 13:25). But who, whom or what is the good and bad seed? In line with Genesis 1:27-30 clearly, God sowed seeds of inter-connectivity, relationship, dependency, reliance protection and healing, provision for the needs of one another, these mean that what I have is not mine. The herbs do not grow for his own benefits, the cow, goat, chicken, fruits are all meant for someone else to enjoy. Basically, your wisdom, financial capacity, strength, and your capabilities are all part of God's planted seeds on earth to help others to grow, to encourage, to bring to complete manifestation of his purpose and intention.
We as God's kingdom children are expected to be doing things that heaven and heavenly beings will rejoice over, are you willing to allow those good tangible seeds God planted in you to grow? ( Romans 8:10). Itemized here are some of the good seeds God planted in you; Ephesians 5:19. But the fruits of the holy spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, faith, truth, meekness, temperance, kindness, tender- tenderheartedness, forgiveness righteousness.
If any of these fruits are not in you, then begin to pray to God to uproot every tare sowed into your life, family, and ministry.
Thank you Lord, for your words of healing, revival, and re-positioning sent to me today, in Jesus name.
Lord Jesus, may I no longer live a selfish, and unimpactful life, in Jesus name.
David encouraged 400 worthless men to become mighty men; Father help me to use all that You have deposited in me, in Jesus name.
Lord Jesus, every tare growing, and germinating in me, I destroy, and stampede them, in Jesus name.
My Father! my Father! Uproot every tare in the seat of authority in our nation, in Jesus mighty name.