Today’s Reading:
Job 11:1-20
"Can you fathom the mysteries of God? Can you probe the limits of the Almighty? They are higher than the heavens above. What can you do? They are deeper than the depths below ..."
(vv. 7-9, NIV)

In our world, a mystery is a phenomenon or circumstance or happening which cannot be explained; something hidden; a secret. A godly mystery or a mystery of God is said to involve a wonderful declaration of spiritual truth, revealed by God through divine inspiration. It is a holy act through which the Holy Spirit shows forth the power of God or pours it on men, though invisibly. There are many references in the Scriptures about the mysteries of God, both in the Old and New testaments.
In our today's reading in Job 11:7-9, Zophar was one of Job's friends who came to sympathize with him during his season of disasters. While challenging Job of his stand with God, he spoke of the fact that Job could never fathom the mysteries of God. For instance, probe the limits of his almightiness, which he said were higher than the heavens above, and deeper than the depths below, whose measure is longer than the earth and wider than the sea. Undoubtedly, the creation story in Genesis 1, remains a great mystery to mankind. It is no wonder then that God Himself while challenging Job in Job 38, unfolds the great mystery of creation to him.
Other well-spoken mysteries in the scriptures include: i) the mystery of godliness (1Tim 3:16) which summarizes the mission of Jesus Christ on earth; ii) the mystery of Christ in you, the hope of Glory (Col. 1:26-27), made known among the Gentiles; iii) the mystery of God's will (Eph. 1:9-11), which is to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth under Christ; iv) of significance is the mystery of God's purpose for Gentiles, through the gospel, to be heirs together with Israel (Eph. 3:3-6); v) Jesus himself spoke in Mark 4:11, about the mystery of God (His Father)’s kingdom. Other mysteries spoken of in the scriptures, in the book of Revelation include vi) Mystery of Babylon the Great, vii) Mystery of Iniquity and Taking up of the Church at Christ's second coming that is, the Rapture. It is instructive to note that God says in Deut. 29:29 that the secret things belong to Him, but what He reveals to us are for us and our children. Also, Apostle Paul makes us understand that the mystery of Christ was not made known to people in other generations, as was then being revealed by the Holy Spirit to God's holy apostles and prophets (Eph. 3:4-5).
The greatest of all God's mysteries, however, is that of His plan of salvation for mankind. It was indeed a mystery (secret). God hid it from the devil and all men. In 1Cor. 2:7-8 says that if the princes of this world knew the mystery, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. The crucifixion, death and resurrection of Christ resulted in the salvation of mankind. If the devil and his hosts had known this plan, (God's wisdom and mystery), they would have tried to truncate or even stop it. They were caught unaware. They thought His death meant the end of Him and His mission on earth. His resurrection sealed the overall victory of salvation for mankind (1 Cor. 15:16-22).
As believers, we should be thankful to God for this great mystery and for all others, which are to our benefit. We should take advantage of them to please Him, especially in our zeal for soul winning. We are saved to save others!
Father, You are indeed the God of wisdom and mysteries; Praise be to You, in Jesus name.
Father, thank You for Your mysteries, especially that of Your Salvation plan for mankind, in Jesus name.
We are forever grateful for the Salvation of our souls and eternal life in our spirits, in Jesus name.
Lord, we are grateful for your coming to earth to fulfil Your Salvation plan, for the sake of mankind, in Jesus name.
Lord, help us to be ready, as believers and the Church as a whole, for your second coming of our Lord and Saviour, in Jesus name.