Today’s Readings:
Psalm 23; I Sam. 15:32-34; John 1:1-9
Every individual who experiences divine hatchery must not forget the reason for that opportunity. God dedicates himself to come to this planet earth to protect, provide, direct, save and guide people of the universe. Only the people who release themselves to God will benefit in these divine services. People who enjoy these services are sent to show others about the goodness of God.
There are rules and regulations of how things must be done – nothing good comes forth except it is done in God’s way. There is a pattern God wants every profession to be demonstrated – anything contrary to God’s pattern may yield to a positive result but it would not please and satisfy God; and anything that satisfies man but displeases God will have no good record before the Lord – it is tantamount to nothingness. If other people are doing things in their own way, God’s representative must do it in God’s way. God’s representative does things according to the pattern of God. A representative of God sees his profession as an area of his calling.
A driver, lawyer, doctor, teacher, banker, farmer, trader… must see his profession as a place to serve and represent God. If this is done, every wrong in each profession would be corrected. When Saul and his soldiers wrongly fought the battle Samuel corrected it; when the world was in commotion John the Baptist brought exposition and illumination to the world. Every individual Christian must serve to represent Christ.
God, count me among the people raised to correct the wrongs in this world system in Jesus name.
God, teach our leaders your pattern of governance in Jesus name.
God, let there be life and light through your word in this present generation in Jesus name.
God, let the fire of your word be ignited in each profession in Jesus name.
God, raise more of your generals in every nook and cranny of this world.