Today’s Reading:
Joel 2:12-17 (vv.12-13)
“Now therefore, says the Lord, “Turn to Me with all your heart (in genuine repentance), With fasting, with weeping, and with mourning [until every barrier is removed and the broken fellowship restored]. So rend your hearts and not your garment (in sorrow and contrition); Return (in repentance), to the Lord your God for He is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness (faithful to His covenant with His people); and He relents (His sentence of) from doing harm (when his people genuinely repent).” (vv.12-13 NKJV)
As it was in the time of ancient Judah and Jerusalem, we live in a dark and fallen world where wickedness abounds, where lawlessness is openly exhibited with impunity, decadence, injustice, oppression and persecution rule the day. This was the same reason why David pleaded with God to remember the covenant He made with Abraham, have mercy and save his people, especially the poor of the land; because the dark places of the land are full of the habitations of violence and wickedness (Psalm 74:20). In the face of calamity, oppression, turbulence, persecution, dense evil and wickedness, the only effective option is to cry out loud, plead with the Creator God who is in control and has the solution to the chaos and to everything (vv.12-17).
In the passage today, it was God himself who appealed to the people of Israel for a change of heart. As in the time of Judah and Jerusalem, God is directly, graciously inviting us today to repent of our evil ways which is dishonouring Him. ‘Turn to me now while there is time’ (v. 12), because the day of judgement is near. Meaning that, there is still opportunity to avert the coming complete destruction of God if we return to him in genuine repentance. One would therefore conclude that, now is the time for revival in our nation and the world at large and it is only the Holy Spirit that can revive our souls. Several periods of revival occurred in the history of ancient Israel: during the time of the Judges like Gideon and during the reformation of Nehemiah. We read about John Wesley's evangelical revival of the eighteen century in England; also about Apostle Joseph Ayo Babalola, a great prophet, evangelist and miracles worker in African Pentecostal history, in the twentieth century.
What is revival?
(1). Revival is a call to God for a change in the midst of chaos, and a call to the people of God to repent and throw themselves on the mercy of their kind and compassionate God. (2). It is a complete overhauling of our sin stained and sick souls. (3). It is a rejuvenation and return to the biblical old path way (2Tim. 4:5; Col. 4:17). (4). It is walking in the Spirit of Christ in the power of the intoxicating joy of the Lord (Luke10:12). (5). It leads to the manifestation of the saviours and sons of God here on earth (Obadiah 1:17-21 NKJV; Rom. 8:19; Acts 14:8-18). (6). It results in turning the world upside down for Christ (Acts 16, 17:6). (7). It is fanning into flame, the smouldering fire within and stirring up the gifts of the Spirit within (Mal. 3:2; 1Pet. 1:7; 1Tim. 4:14; 2Tim.1:6). (8). It is coming alive from spiritual slumber and death, to the strength of the Presence of God. (9) It is restitution, restoration from the terrible damage done by the locust, the canker worm and wasters (v.25).
Why do we need a revival?
We need revival because it is a way to respond to the invitation of God to turn to him in repentance. We need revival because, on our own we are helpless, we need the help and intervention of the Holy Spirit. When there is revival, there is opportunity to connect to the grace and mercy of God, so that the wrath and destruction of God will not come upon us in the judgement day of the Lord (v.12). We need revival to be able to proclaim the gospel of truth (Matt. 24:18-20). We need revival in order to be able to fight the spiritual battle of our faith (Ephesians 6:10-18). We need revival in order to be able to fulfil the will of God for our lives.
What do we do?
Recognise we have sinned and genuinely repent. Give our lives to the lordship of Jesus Christ and have the fullness of the Holy Spirit. Connect to the old path way of the early church. Live a fasted life and make prayer our way of life. Feed our soul with healthy spiritual food - daily reading of the Bible so that we can grow spiritually. Ask God to create a pure heart in us and renew a humble, teachable and right spirit within us (Psalm 51:10). Live a generous life and preach the gospel of truth. Remove the heavy yoke of oppression on the poor and helpless; stop apportioning blames (Isaiah 58:1-9).
It is then our salvation will come like the dawn, and spiritual wounds will speedily heal. The light of God will shine out from the darkness of our world; and the darkness around us will be like bright as noonday. The Lord will guide us continually and give us water to restore our dryness and strength. The righteousness of God will lead us forward and His glory will protect us from our rear end. Then when we call upon the Lord, and he will speedily answer us.
Father, thank you for you are gracious, compassionate, you are slow to anger, your abundant kindness and concern towards me. Thank you for the cleansing power in the blood of Jesus and the sanctifying power of the Holy Ghost, in Jesus name.
father, forgive my sin of disobedience to your command, forgive inherited sin and forgive my not knowing you as I should, in Jesus name
Father, create in me a pure heart; renew a right, humble, and teachable spirit within me, in Jesus name.
Holy Ghost, overshadow every area of my life, in Jesus name
Father, let your revival start from my life, family and environment, in Jesus name.
Father, uproot everything you have not planted in your church and revive your Pentecostal fire and power, in Jesus name.
Father, thank you for upholding our nation by your mighty strength and presence: let there be unity of purpose and the fear of God amongst our leaders, in Jesus name.