Today’s Reading:
Ecclesiastes 5:1-7 (6)
“Don’t let your mouth make you sin. And don’t defend yourself by telling the Temple messenger that the promise you made was a mistake. That could make God angry, and he might wipe out everything you have achieved.” (v. 6 NLT)

Many of us are guilty of making big vows while under pressure or excited, but when it comes to fulfilling our vows, we cannot meet it or forget about it entirely We have seen in verse six of this passage that, this is a sinful act which can make God destroy the work of our hands (v.6; Mal. 2:7). Or as other versions put it, it can make God to be angry with us and wipe out all we have achieved (Isa. 6:1-13). May this not be our portion, in Jesus name. Or if it is happening now in our lives, O Lord empower us to make amends, in Jesus name.
Messenger in verse six refers to the priest, and prophets or angels of God who will have to report all activities to the heavenly King. (v.6). In short, we are not to make lightly our vows and promises to God. It is not with God alone, but in all situations, we should think before we speak. It is said that ‘One who talks, thinks; but one who keeps silent, thinks more.’
When we are before God, we must be conscious that we are in the presence of the Sovereign Lord. We must mean whatever we say. God is no respecter of man; He takes seriously the words of our mouth. It is not only when making a vow, but in general, we must think before we speak. In silence, we are able to think, be focused and be conscious of what we say. Reverence for God is the foundation for a worthwhile words, and useful activities (v. 7; 12:1; Prov. 1:7).
Father, break every unbroken area of my life, remould me to suit your purpose for my life, in Jesus name.
Father, put a watch over my mouth; let me speak only when it is necessary and help me to be a good listener, in Jesus name.
Father, let me be rooted and grounded in your love, in Jesus name.
Father, break every power of selfishness, over-ambition and unteachableness, in the body of Christ, in Jesus name.
Father, render all forces of darkness hindering the move of your power in our nation
impotent; and heal our land, in Jesus name.