Today’s Reading:
Psalm 93

This Psalm starts with the declaration that the Lord reigns. He is clothed in Majesty and strength.
The Psalm also reaffirms that the throne of God is established in power from of old and is everlasting.
We need to bear this in mind in our relationship with God. Things may be turning upside down and not working the way we expect. The flood of ungodliness and all manner of evil may be threatening to overwhelm us, but we must bear in mind always that God still rules in the affairs of men. That is why Psalm 93 verse 4 says that the Lord is mightier than the voice of many waters.
In times of great turbulence on our lives, it is important for us to pause, and meditate on God's word, and to realise that no problem can take Him by surprise.
The roar of the enemy can only be but a roar. As long as you are in Christ, you cannot be bitten or devoured by the enemy. I pray for you that the peace of God which passes all understanding will rule your heart and mind in Jesus name. Philippians 4 verse 6, admonishes us not to be anxious or fret, but come with thanksgiving, and present our petition before God.
The Mighty One, God the Lord has spoken and called the earth from the rising of the sun to its going down
Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, God will shine forth.
My Father I thank You for Your love and care for me and my household, in Jesus name.
O God arise and intervene in this area of my life (mention the area) in the name of Jesus
Every rage of the enemy against my life and family, die in the name of Jesus
O Lord, let Your revival fire overshadow Your church, in the name of Jesus
O God arise and intervene in the affairs of this country, in the name of Jesus.