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Writer's picture: Olufunmilayo AdekusibeOlufunmilayo Adekusibe

Today’s Reading:

1 Samuel 7:3-15

“Then Samuel took a stone and set up between Mizpah and Shen, and called its name Ebenezer, saying, Thus far the Lord has helped” (v.12)


The literal meaning of “Ebenezer” is said to be “stone of help”. Samuel, the prophet in Israel at the time, took a stone and set it up and called its name “Ebenezer” indicating to him and the people that thus far the Lord had helped them. The setting up of the stone was intended as a physical thing to remind them of the deliverance God had granted them over the Philistines who had gone up against them. Verse 6 of our Today’s reading says that the children of Israel gathered at Mizpah, to repent and fast for their sins against God. The Philistines decided to take advantage of this gathering to war against the Israelites, who were afraid of them and, therefore asked Samuel to cry to God for deliverance on their behalf (vv. 7-9). In response to Israel’s cry and Samuel’s burnt offering, the Lord thundered upon the Philistines, thereby confusing them. Therefore, Israel overcame them, pursued and drove them back as far as Beth Car.

As Israel celebrated the victory, Samuel set up a stone of remembrance of the help received from God by Israel, on this occasion. The Old Testament records some other setting up of stones as remembrance among the Israelites. One such was set up by Jacob who wrestled with an angel of God and prevailed (Gen. 28:10-22). Another one was by Joshua, at the Jordan River, when Israel crossed over to the Promised Land (Josh 4:9). The significance of such stones when set up, is to serve as a permanent reminder and memorial to future generations of the people. The “Stone of Help”, Ebenezer, was set up to remind the Israelites of the victory God won for them over the Philistines. Their future generations were to be told and pointed to the stone, which should encourage them that God is the God of help, a sure helper in the face of difficult circumstances. Since God continued to show himself as the “Helper” of Israel, it is no wonder that many writers of the book of Psalms, especially David, eulogized and acknowledged God as Israel’s helper (Ps.121).

To further establish this fact, it is seen that whenever Israel or its kings engaged the services or help of other nations or individuals, to fight their wars, they lost the battles or were over-powered. Whenever Israel ran back to God, He proved himself as their Supreme and only Helper. The help of man is futile. God is the help of the helpless, the needy, poor, widow, and fatherless, in any circumstance. He desires to help man, great and small. To help us in our spiritual life, He sent Jesus, his begotten Son, to reconcile man back to him. Jesus took upon himself our sins and gave victory through his suffering, death and resurrection. He is currently helping us by interceding for us before the Father, as He is seated on his right hand in heaven. He says we should ask anything in his name, and the Father will give it to us.

The help of the Trinity is divine, timely, complete, not costly and irrevocable by other men. As believers, we are to make God our true “Ebenezer – stone of help”.



To surrender your life to Christ, say this prayer aloud. “Father, I acknowledge my sin against You. I repent and ask for forgiveness, in the name of Jesus. I surrender to the Lordship of Jesus. By the power of Your Holy Spirit, take control of my heart and lead me in Your path of righteousness, in Jesus' name. Thank You, Lord”.

If you said the prayer, Congratulations! Prayerfully look for a living church and report to the resident reverend, pastor or priest.



  1. Father in heaven, we thank You for being our help in ages past.

  2. Father, we know You live in the heavens, but You rule in the affairs of men, especially offering help when needed to all great and small.

  3. Lord, we cannot thank you enough for Your numerous help which are divine, in time, complete and which cost us nothing. We glorify You.

  4. Father, we appreciate Your help over the Church and upon individual believers and their families. We worship and praise you.

  5. Lord, we acknowledge Your help towards our nation, despite our wrongdoings, please receive our thanksgiving.

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