Today’s Reading:
Psalm 27; Gen. 14:7-24; Phil. 3:17-20
There is limitation to what man can do to make success. Any man that makes good records in what he does should not boast of it. Success only comes from God. None makes success of God does not grant it; and if God grants it one should recognize the one who enables it. Success is not determined by the members of people that participated in it. Word of encouragement and appreciation must be given to the participants for making themselves available and for releasing themselves to be used by God.
Success is not determined because of skills one gathered, education, position, achievement, and other prestigious level one has reached in life. All these are good but God grants them all; victory, promotion and success do not come because of the effort-indefatigable effort applied; it is not the brilliant knowledge contributed, but it is God that grant them to man. If this is recognized, then glory goes to God as man receives the benefits. To appreciate God for this, one must not go away from the presence of God where man worships him. Anywhere a Child of God goes to, he stands to disciple people who will stand for and represent God anywhere.
Father, my desire is to know You more and more, please show Yourself to me on daily basis, in Jesus name.
Father, grant me victory in all the faces of my life, in Jesus name.
Father, grant me the benefits of following You as I give You the glory, in Jesus name.
Father, let Your name be glorified in all nation as people receive You as their Lord and Saviour, in Jesus name.