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Give Thanks, Always

Writer's picture: Olufunmilayo AdekusibeOlufunmilayo Adekusibe


Today’s Reading:

Psalm 118: 1-2, 14-24 (1-4)

“Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever. Let Israel now say, “His mercy endures forever.” Let the house of Aaron now say, “His mercy endures forever. ”Let those who fear the Lord now say, “His mercy endures forever.” (vv. 1-4)


The word “thanksgiving” can be defined as the expression of gratitude, especially to Almighty God. One of the great commandments is to give thanks to God, for all He has done for us (1 Thessalonians 5:18 in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you). Just like King Solomon (1 Kings 3: 1-15), God has given us several gifts to be thankful for. But no matter what our circumstances may be, we should always be thankful for the grace God provides for all people through Jesus Christ. Thanks to His sacrifice, God can use Broken People for a Beautiful Purpose. Thanksgiving is a response to something - Let us consider our response to the life God has given us by meditating upon a great response of King Solomon to the act of God. He looked at himself and what has been done for his father David by giving the throne to him, and he gave a thousand offering in thanksgiving (1 Kings 3: 4). When you know how to give thanks to God, your greatness will manifest and will be enhanced as seen in the life of David and his son Solomon.

God is present where He is being magnified. Hallelujah! (Psalm 22: 3) But You are

holy, Enthroned in the praises of Israel.

Benefits of giving thanks to God:

  1. Provokes God. 2 Chronicles 1:7-12 Solomon offered to God unusual thanksgiving and God visited him and gave him more than his request. When you know how to respond to God with thanksgiving. (2 Chronicles 7: 12-14).

  2. Incredible multiplications. John 6:11 And Jesus took the loaves, and when He had given thanks, He distributed them to the disciples, and the disciples to those sitting down; and likewise of the fish, as much as they wanted.

  3. Brings restoration. John 11, - Lazarus came out of the grave.

  4. Deliverance Psalm 50:14-15 Offer to God Thanksgiving And pay your vows to the Highest. Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me.”

  5. It compels the presence of God and blessings.( 2 Chronicles 5:14).

  6. Giving thanks to God unlocks many doors eg Paul & Silas( Acts 16:16-33). Whenever thanksgiving goes up, showers of blessings automatically comes down.

  7. It keeps our lives clear of darkness, anxiety, sin and deception ( Romans 1:21), because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened.( Philippians 4:6) Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;

  8. 8. It strengthens faith-strengthens our dependence on God for every provision and upholds the biblical truths on the faithfulness of God.

  9. 9. It draws us closer to God. Thanksgiving and praise bring down His presence and according to - Psalm 16: 11b “In thy presence is fullness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures forevermore”

Brethren, anytime you offer a thanksgiving offering, do it willingly, not grudgingly. Leviticus 22:29 | NKJV And when you offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving to the Lord, offer it of your own free will.

As I conclude, let me stress it that if you want to gain access to God, you must learn to give thanks to God. Psalms 100:4 | NKJV “Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, And into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him and bless His name.” Are you in any situation that looks like you have been abandoned? Do not worry, surrender unto Jesus, then offer Him your sacrifice of thanksgiving, and you will experience the benefits of the sacrifice. Whatever the situation, you are alive, Psalm 118: 18 The LORD has chastened me severely, But He has not given me over to death.




  1. Father, I bring my thanksgiving offering to you because you are good and your mercies endure forever.

  2. Father, I repent of all my sins, thank you for the work of redemption that has given me the grace to partake of your righteousness.

  3. Psalm 44: 3 For they did not gain possession of the land by their own sword, Nor did their own arm save them; But it was Your right hand, Your arm, and the light of Your countenance Because You favoured them. Oh Lord, my Father, I do not hope nor trust in my strength. I look unto you to show me mercy and bring wonderful things into my life in Jesus name.

  4. Father, thank you for the move of the Holy Spirit across the length and breadth of this nation, resulting in the continuous growth and expansion of the church in the name of Jesus.

  5. Father, thank you for cleansing Nigeria with the blood of Jesus and terminating the reign of terror in the land, in the name of Jesus.

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