Today’s Reading:
Acts 8: 18-24
“When Simon saw that the spirit was given at the laying on of the Apostle’s hands, he offered them money (Acts 8:18)

The book of Act of Apostles has a record of the exploit done by the Apostles. Immediately after the upper room experience, they moved into action through the power of the Holy Spirit. The story in the passage above is about Simon, though there are several Simons in the scriptures. This Simon was a sorcerer. A sorcerer is a magician or wizard specifically a male. He came from a background of deceit and manipulation. He just gave his life to Christ and was following the Apostles everywhere they went. One should not be surprised that he made such a demand, he wasn’t totally free from his background. He might be thinking that in the former life (sorcery) whatever you want, can be got through money so he decided to offer money for the gift of God. That is why it is germane to disciple new convert so as to deliver them from the gimmicks of Adamic nature. His request revealed his heart condition. For the scripture says, out of the heart proceed evil thoughts and all forms of evil and not what enters a man’s mouth that defile him.
After he made his request, Apostle Peter’s response was sharp and direct. Open rebuke is better than secret love (Proverbs 27:5) says the scripture. Verse 20 to 23 was what Peter used to address the issue. Permit me to summarise and draw lessons from it. One, money is good and can buy a lot of things, but it can never buy the gift of God. God bestows His gifts as He wills. Then there is need for Spiritual discipline to have access to spiritual gifts. Two, the heart of Simon wasn’t in line with the ministry. And when one’s heart is not connected definitely one will misbehave. Three, Peter saw it as wickedness for one to use mundane things as a bribe to get spiritual things. An act of this nature demands that repentance must be made. Four, Peter saw it as bitterness and captive to sin.
And we saw how Simon responded to such discipline by demanding that he needed prayer. The lesson for the present-day church are: how do we rebuke sin? Do we take sin with levity, or we pamper sinners? So many have silenced the preacher of the gospel with money. Truth is not told again in the church because of money. May the Lord help the church to take the stand against any insolent act yet restore strong brethren without any judgment in Jesus’ name.
May the Lord purge the church of any form of wickedness within and without in Jesus name.
Oh Lord, grant the church leaders the boldness to confront sin and sinners, in Jesus name.
Grant unto sinners the heart to repent and follow Christ, in Jesus name.
Oh Lord, may you uproot any form of wickedness and ungodliness in your church, in Jesus name.