Today’s Reading:
Mark 6:30-34
“Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest .” (v. 31b)

God initiated rest. He rested too after the sixth day’s work. When a man refuses to rest, such will be laid to rest untimely. Rest is a cessation from work or activity, a state of quietness and relaxation. To cease worry, anxiety, or annoyance. Some people sleep yet they are not resting. During rest, one’s mind is at peace. It could be a time when one listens to music, watch a movie, taking fresh air while observing nature etc. Our body is created and wired to rest after work. It is even a sin not to work intentionally. It is expected that when we work, we should create time to rest so as to get enough strength for another assignment.
Jesus told the disciples to come apart into a desert place and rest awhile. Two things are important from the text: come apart into a desert place and rest awhile. To come apart means to do away with distractions, to get away from people, to change a usual location to an unusual place. A desert in that context is a place where the enjoyment of life is absent. And for one to go far in life, there is a need to get away from the noise and get what God is having for one per time.
To rest could mean two things: spiritual and physical rest. Spiritual rest is observing spiritual exercises like personal retreat, fasting and prayer etc. it is to stop or put on hold the day-to-day activities. As servants of God, you need to take a rest once in a while because the work of the ministry cannot be finished in a day.
Father, thank you for wisdom in managing my time, in Jesus’ name.
I will not die before my time, and my children will not die young; we will live to good old days in good health, in prosperity, and in the presence of God, in Jesus’ name
Father, uphold me by Your truth, in Jesus’ name.
Revive Your Church O Lord, in Jesus’ name.
Father, let Your peace reign in our nation, in Jesus’ name.